In 2024 the number of poor people in Rembang Regency will be 91.45 thousand or 14.02 percent.

To get the BPS data, please come to an Integrated Services Statistics BPS Rembang, Jl. Youth KM.1 Rembang on weekdays from 08.00 till 15.30 pm.

At the moment, Rembang Regency in Figures 2024 is available and can be accessed here.


Product - News

Admission Officers atmosphere SE2016 BPS Rembang

Admission Officers atmosphere SE2016 BPS Rembang

Admission Officers atmosphere SE2016 BPS Rembang

January 26, 2016 | Other Activities

Starting today Monday, January 25, 2016 BPS Rembang recruiting officer candidates SE2016. This activity is a series of activities ECONOMIC CENSUS 2016 will be held on May 1-31, 2016. The number of officers to be elected SE2016 many as 519 officers.

On the first day of registration has been present as many as 317 applicants to be enumerators field (PCL) and supervisor / field (PML). Until now, the selection process is still ongoing.
The recruitment of prospective officers conducted several stages of selection that is the initial selection / stage I (filing) and selection phase II (written test and interview). The objective of this selection is to be obtained by the officer who actually qualified, competent and responsible.

Community Animo Following Admission Officers SE2016
at the BPS office Rembang

Economic Census is a complete data collection activity for all business units / companies that are within the boundaries of the region.
All information collected is useful to know the picture of the performance and structure of the economy by region, field of business and business scale.

Complete data collection activities in 2016 (Listing SE2016), beginning with the registration activities of buildings and businesses / companies that are in the building. If the existence of a business unit / company has identified this activity will continue to perform data collection business characteristics and other information.

The existence of a business unit / company will be identified by field officers by visiting every building in the area of ​​census block or census subblok (area approach) door to door. While the data collection business characteristics and other information of a business unit performed by interviewing the owners / managers of business units / companies or charge.
Thus the success of Listing SE2016 is largely determined by the ability of field personnel in identifying the existence of a business unit / company and dig information or other information from the respondents in the field. (w12n)
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