March 18, 2016 | BPS Activities
Housed in the old district pavilion, BPS Rembang implement Apel Standby Economic Census, 2016. Participants of the muster is all prospective officers SE2016 some 519 people, employees and Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) BPS Rembang. Present at the occasion Regent, Vice Regent, Regional Secretary, Assistant II, Head of the relevant Department and Head se-Rembang.
In its report, the head of BPS Rembang explained the general description, purpose and importance of the SE2016 the planning and evaluation of development at the national and regional levels. Not to forget also presented the stages of SE 2016 and request the support of all parties for the success of the 2016 Economic Census.
Regent Rembang, Abdul Hafiz, in his speech gave a high appreciation of the BPS Rembang for his participation as a data provider in the development process that has been underway. SE 2016 be the right moment to give guidance in the development of non-agricultural sector in Rembang. This is consistent with what has been done by the Vice Regent of Rembang which explores the development of the apparel industry that is expected to provide employment for 8,000 people. So also with the development of other economic sectors, such as trade and tourism potential in Rembang.
To prospective officers SE2016, regent of Rembang advised to be able to carry out their duties as well as possible and follow the core values at the BPS, namely: professional, integrity and mandate. Every business / non-agricultural companies should be in the data without exception to get a portrait of the real economy and cutting-edge. To SKPD and Head, regent of Rembang instructed to mobilize existing resources, shoulder to shoulder with BPS Rembang to the success of SE2016.
On the occasion, also performed a reading pledge by BPS employee and officer candidates to succeed SE2016 and signing of contract readiness had been an officer in 2016 SE with all its rights and obligations.
Balloon release SE2016 be the culmination Apel Alert that lasted approximately 3 hours such. Regent and Vice Regent of Rembang release balloons into the air as a symbol of the growing spirit of all components of society in Rembang for the success of the SE2016. While Head se-Rembang also release balloons with the inscription that indicates readiness districts concerned to play an active role in the activities of SE2016.
Hopefully synergy of all the elements are there to make SE2016 noble goal can be realized in Rembang. SE2016 Success, Success BPS Rembang. (CAR).
Apel sundries photo Alert SE 2016
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