Device Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI), Exploiting IT for Documenting Substitute Pape - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Rembang Regency

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Device Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI), Exploiting IT for Documenting Substitute Pape

Device Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI), Exploiting IT for Documenting Substitute Pape

May 2, 2016 | BPS Activities

     Updating of the households surveyed tile sub round 2 (May-August) 2016 in Rembang is slightly different compared to the previous updating execution. In this round sub, officers used the Computer Assisted Personal Interviewering (CAPI) in the form of a tablet or other Android-based devices such as GPS application contained Survey Solutions. This tool is used by enumerators (the interviewer) to record information from respondents as a replacement for paper media.

      Documenting using CAPI is already a long discourse to support environmental awareness program, by reducing the use of paper (paperless). To counter, the transition from paper based becoming paperless requires adaptation of its own, particularly with respect to the number of CAPI only 14 pieces. The number of census blocks in the second round sub update on 2016 as much as 54 census blocks with the number of staff by 18 people. By the time the update is only a week, enumerators require to smart divide the time for the use of CAPI alternating.

      The use of CAPI did not really matter to the enumerator for all enumerators are already familiar with the use of android. But in practice there are some who become records, including loading rather long, CAPI is quite heavy and look less support for the addition of new households. Nevertheless, the use of CAPI is an enjoyable experience. In addition, respondents were also more interest to answer the question because of the use of new tools. The use of sophisticated equipment indirectly make them more interested in being cooperative respondents.

      Hopefully in the future, with innovations that continue to be made by BPS will make it convenient officers and enumerators to produce quality data. (CAR).

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