Susenas Officer Training Semester 2 2016 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Rembang Regency

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Susenas Officer Training Semester 2 2016

Susenas Officer Training Semester 2 2016

September 7, 2016 | Other Activities

     National Social Economic Survey, or better known as SUSENAS is one source of socio-economic data essential household in Indonesia. The data generated from this survey has been widely used by various circles both at home and abroad. Susenas besides being a source of essential data for planning and evaluation of the National Development Program, Susenas also be the primary source of data for the supply indicators of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Therefore, the sustainability of the data must always be kept / maintained and further enhanced data quality. 2015 is the year of the expiry of the MDGs, and will be followed by a program of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

      The data collected through this Susenas is data relating to socio-economic conditions of society which include health, education, fertility, family planning, housing, social protection and other socio-economic conditions.

      SUSENAS was first implemented in 1963. In the last two decades, until 2010, SUSENAS held every year. SUSENAS in design has three modules, namely Module Consumption / Household Expenditure, Social Module Culture and Education and Housing and Health Module and each module is carried out every three years.

      In 2011 there is a change, consumption and expenditure data collection is conducted quarterly in conjunction with Cor. The frequency and amount of charge Susenas is feared to make saturation for the respondents as well as officers, which ultimately could potentially degrade the quality of the data obtained. Therefore, BPS amend Susenas implementation in 2015, where the frequency of the previous enumeration quarterly to semi-annually in 2015, namely in March and September. In September 2016 is implemented by the module Susenas Health and Housing (MKP).

      In order to prepare for the implementation Susenas Semester 2016, then in September 2016 carried Officer Training. This is one of the stages of preparation is very strategic in any survey or census. In this stage of the transformation process takes knowledge and skill formation. From this training results expected later able to carry out the data collection officers properly and qualified in accordance with definitions established concept and pre-determined schedule. Changes and improvements Susenas 2016 would be meaningless if it is not supported by the data collection is not correct.

Training Susenas

Susenas officer training Semester 2 2016 held in the Hall Rembang Rembang BPS Office, Jl. Youth KM 1 Rembang. Staff training was conducted over three (3) days effective from 24-26 August 2016 with the number of participants as many as 29 participants, all from organic BPS Rembang. Training is guided by an instructor that area Kasi Social Statistics, Khaerul Anwar, SST.

      Opening of Susenas Officer Training 2016 opened by the Head of BPS Rembang, Muh. Saichudin S.Si, M.Sc. In his speech the Head of BPS Rembang provide encouragement and full support to the trainees will be able to work optimally and responsibly. He also gives an account of the importance of data Susenas used for calculating the poverty rate. Head of BPS Rembang expect that eventually the participants can understand the concepts / definitions, methodologies and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) has been given by the instructor and the implementation in the field officer can solve the problems that occur in the field. And in the hands of field workers Susenas data quality is determined and this will certainly be full attention to the district. (SR)
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