March 27, 2017 | Other Activities
In order to Accelerate Reforms implementation (RB) in the BPS Central Java, Central Java BPS will assign agents of change as role models in their respective work units. For all structural BPS / district / city will be designated as an agent of change. As for the staff and KSK each district / city choose one person as an agent of change. The criteria that can be used for selecting an agent of change are as follows:
a. Able to establish communication with all employees
b. Able to increase awareness and togetherness dala work units and strengthen corps spirit of the BPS
c. HR can build adaptive capacity to changes
d. Competent and disciplined in carrying out the task.
Selected for Agents of Change in the BPS Rembang is Br. Mustaghwiroh, S.Stat (Production Statistics Section Staff) and Br. Amir Murtono (KSK Resources).
Congratulations hopefully elect a change agent can serve as an example and role model (role model) are both in integrity and high performance. Change agent that acts as a role model not only appointed and elected, but also educated. Agent of change is also prepared to become leaders of change. Therefore, the follow-up of election agents of change in each BPS Regency / City of Central Java will then be implemented Technical Development and Change of Management Internaslisasi Reforms for elected Change Agent held on 3-5 March 2017 in Karanganyar, Central Java ,
In the Bimtek granted the Agents of Change of Management internalization of material changes by the Head of Production Statistics BPS Central Java province, Totok Tavirijanto, S.Si. The hope hopefully with pembinaaan is the change agent could be transferring knowledge and experience to all employees in the workplace each of which might be expected to have a high work ethic and can work in a professional manner, so as to encourage the establishment of achievement of the performance of an organization that has been set in each working unit in order reforms. (SR)
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