October 18, 2017 | Other Activities
On Monday, October 16, 2017, the Regional Development Planning Board (Bappeda) of Rembang Regency held a Workshop on Education with the theme of "Acceleration of Improvement of HDI Field of Education". The event took place in the Bappeda Hall of Rembang Regency and attended the workshops were related SKPD, BPS Kabupaten Rembang and all sub-district heads throughout Rembang district.
In the workshop event, BPS Rembang Regency was asked as a resource related to the delivery of HDI materials. In addition to BPS, there are other speakers, namely Dr. Dra. Sri Yuwanti, MA from the academics namely Lecturer in one of the universities in Semarang.
In this case, Head of BPS Rembang Regency, Amirudin S.SI, MMSI as pemrasaran of IPM material accompanied by Kasi Nerwilis, Miyan Andi Irawan, SST, MSE. We know that education is one important component in measuring Human Development Index (HDI), in addition to health and people's purchasing power.
Until the last condition in 2016, HDI Rembang district of 68.60 means that the achievement of human development in Rembang Regency in 2016 including the category of moderate achievement with HDI between 60.0 to 69.9. In comparison with the HDI of Central Java Province, the achievement of Rembang Regency HDI from year to year is always below the Central Java Provincial HDI figure of 69.98 in 2016.
To the problem of HDI in Rembang Regency, especially the education sector needs to get attention considering the drop out rate (Drop Out) in Rembang regency in 2016 is 5.80 percent (DO-SMP) and 3.44 percent (DO-SMA / SMK). For the education sector, the key to improving the Rembang HDI is the average length of school that needs to be improved further because of the high number of children who drop out of school. The package program is one of the programs that will be a priority for pressing the drop out rate in the future.
Other sectors that support Rembang's HDI growth are the economic sectors that should be of concern as well. The level of people's purchasing power of Rembang should continue to be encouraged. So also the health sector should also be a concern. (SR)
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