In 2024 the number of poor people in Rembang Regency will be 91.45 thousand or 14.02 percent.

To get the BPS data, please come to an Integrated Services Statistics BPS Rembang, Jl. Youth KM.1 Rembang on weekdays from 08.00 till 15.30 pm.

At the moment, Rembang Regency in Figures 2024 is available and can be accessed here.


Product - News

Age Is Not a Barrier to Learning "First E-Learning Course"

Age Is Not a Barrier to Learning "First E-Learning Course"

Age Is Not a Barrier to Learning "First E-Learning Course"

February 19, 2018 | Other Activities

 Starting today Monday, February 19, 2018 to four weeks ahead, UN-SIAP once again held an e-learning course (course online / online). This time the theme is First E-Learning Course on Integrated Economic Statistics to Support 2008 SNA Implementation. E-Learning Course was attended by approximately 1,600 other participants and the participants were BPS personnel, ranging from central BPS to regional BPS. UN-SIAP will communicate directly with the trainee through a personal account that has been registered.

What is UN-READY?
UN-SIAP or the United Nations Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific, is a statistical training center in Asia and the Pacific consisting of 20 countries, one of which is Indonesia. The goal to be achieved by the UN-SIAP is to increase the use of statistics in evidence-based decision-making and to generate and disseminate quality statistics for an inclusive, sustainable and resilient society in the ESCAP region.

Anything in the course?
E-Learning Course is one of the programs organized by UN-SIAP. Actually this online / online course is the second time held. With this kind of training, everyone can learn directly from statisticians, wherever they are connected to the internet. Because registered participants will have an account on the UN-SIAP web and will periodically send learning modules and other interactive materials. Learning can be anytime, as long as it is still within the time frame of the course. In addition, there is also a facility of question and answer forum (discussion) between participants with mentors to discuss things that are still blocked and need to be asked related themes that carried. Participants are facilitated by various modules or teaching materials to be learned by all participants. Each module has an exercise to measure participants' skills and understanding. This training will end on March 16, 2018 and at the end of the schedule there will be a final test. On this occasion BPS Kabupaten Rembang enrolled 5 participants to attend this e-learning course.All materials, practice questions, final tests, and discussion forums are all packaged in English. Not that all registered participants are good in that language. Perhaps there is a very good English language, there is also a completely unfamiliar. This is where the participants will be able to benefit from this training as well as possible. Those who do not / can not speak English should keep the spirit. As long as there is a 'google translate' facility, one of the facilities that can be used to help participants understand the language barrier. Alhamdulillah can be tried with 'mbah google translate'nya. If not pe-de or not sure of discussion in forum UN-SIAP with english, hence can make use of 'mbah google translate' it. That's all it needs to learn and try. As long as there is a willingness and a high desire to try, nothing is impossible to learn.
Now, we learn not know the age. Learn all the time, whenever and wherever we are. Although to younger people, even to a small child must continue to learn and continue to learn.
Finally the science that we can from e-learning course will be di'getoktularkan 'to other friends who have not participated e-learning opportunities. And hope there will be the next First E-Learning Course so as to provide opportunities temen-temen in BPS Rembang district in particular, temen-temen BPS Kab / Kota other in general to participate.
Especially for us BPS people, learn something for Qualified Data and we will continue to keep, we maintain and we improve. God willing, of course all will bring blessing to this beloved BPS organization. Amiin (SR)

# Data Introduce the Nation
# Regards PIA
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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