February 22, 2018 | BPS Activities
BPS again conducted a routine survey that was part of the social statistics section of the national labor force (sakernas) survey, which was implemented in February 2018. In general, Sakernas activities aim to provide sustainable data on the subject of employment. In particular, it aims to derive estimates of data on the number of working population, the number of unemployed and residents who have stopped / moved to work. Sakernas 2018 is conducted semi-annually. First semester was held in February 2018 and second semester in August 2018. At Sakernas first semester, the selected census block is a census panel block (survey panel). The Survey Panel means that the sample households are the same sample households in Sakernas February 2017, which will then be re-registered in February 2018, where no updating and immediate sample enumeration can be carried out. In order to increase the variety of BPS employment data, one of the new BPS surveys whose implementation is integrated with Sakernas February 2018 is the Informal Workers Survey (SPIN). An informal worker survey specifically photographed the structure of informal workers in Indonesia. This integration is considered effective to generate consistency in the document. The aim is that the two activities are not done on different days with different respondents. Of course something new definitely needs an adjustment effort in the field. The officer usually interviewed respondents with 1 questionnaire, this time the type of questionnaire became more. No problem for officers because officers understand their duties as field assessors so must follow the SOP that has been determined. Questions are raised to every ART aged 10 and over who work in a household in turn. Enumeration of this model is certainly the first time it happened in BPS, and quite unique because it is the integration of two documents on a household that enumerated. In Kabupaten Rembang the number of samples of February and SPIN 2018 sakernas each of 11 census blocks. The enumeration activities of Sakernas and SPIN were conducted on 8-28 February 2018. The number of officers is 8 persons, 5 persons as field counterparts (PCS) and 3 people as supervisors (PMS), where each PCS works around 2-3 census blocks. To anticipate and minimize errors related to understanding the concept definition, compliance Standard Operating Procedural (SOP) that has been formulated and most importantly to see the quality of data generated from this data collection, the supervision was done. At the beginning of the implementation, field supervisors (PMS) took to the field together with field enumerators (PCS). This supervision is carried out to determine the extent of the quality of the enumeration conducted by the officers and to minimize the possibility of non-response or changes in the characteristics of the member's house and his ART due to the nature of the survey panel and also possibly due to the lack of probing done by the officer during the enumeration in the period previous. With this supervision it is less likely to find fraud committed by officers as well as mistakes that occur in the field or in filling in the questionnaire. Every field activity does not all go perfectly. Constraints and obstacles are sometimes an obstacle for officers. Therefore, these constraints must be resolved properly by coordinating with the supervisor and responsible person in each district / city. Hopefully the constraints that arise when in the field does not make the officers constrained in completing the work. So that the implementation of sakernas in Kabupaten Rembang in particular and in other kab / kota in general can run smoothly, finish on time and produce more accurate and more qualified employment data. (SR) # Keep the spirit # Success Data Collection Sakernas & SPIN 2018
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik
Kabupaten RembangJl. Pemuda Km. 1
Rembang - Jawa Tengah
Telp/fax. (0295) 691040
Email : bps3317@bps.go.id