December 27, 2018 | Other Activities
Head of BPS of Rembang Regency, Henri Wagiyanto, S.Pt, M.Ec.Dev, MA presided over the 90th Mother's Day Commemoration Ceremony (PHI) in the courtyard of the Rembang Regency BPS office which was verified by all employees.
The ceremonial clerk this time was very special where almost all the ceremonial officers were female employees, carrying the theme of the warning "Together increasing the role of women and men in building family resilience for the welfare of the nation".
The Head of the Rembang Regency BPS read the speech of the Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPI), Yohana Yembise, which the PHI is expected to have a positive influence on improving the quality of life, fulfilling women's rights and progress. It is proven that women are able to become the driving force and motor of change. Today's Indonesian women are women who are aware and understand, have the same rights and obligations as men.
The hope is that this PHI can encourage the creation of equality of women and men in every aspect of life. (SR)
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