June 16, 2020 | Other Activities
Competency test as one of the requirements for promotion for computer statisticians and institutions, which this year was held on June 16, 2020, simultaneously in BPS throughout Indonesia using an online application.
Considering that it is still in the COVID-19 pandemic and as a form of vigilance in preventing COVID-19 transmission, the Phase I Competency Test in 2020 is carried out in the Provincial BPS and in all Regency / City BPS.
In Central Java Province, the number of competency test participants was 82 people, consisting of participants from BPS itself and also participants from Ministries / Institutions and Local Governments who would take the test at the nearest BPS Province / District / City.
In Rembang Regency BPS, the implementation of competency tests took place in the Hall of Rembang Regency BPS, followed by 3 people, 2 people competency test of Associate Expert Statistics (Br. Faisal Lutfi Arif, SST and Sri Rejeki, SST, MM) and 1 person competency test for Computer Supervisors (Br. Sukaryo, A.md).
The competency test starts at 8.30 WIB. Before the competency test takes place, participants register for attendance. The event was opened by the Head of Subdivision of the BPS Administration in Rembang Regency, Muncar Cahyono, SST and then continued with the reading of the code of conduct for the examination and the distribution of users and passwords.
Supervision of the test is carried out by real time monitoring using the zoom application. Where supervisors from BPS RI and the province can monitor the running of the competency test in each Regency / City.
The exam questions tested for Expert Statistic are 40 multiple choice questions (45 minutes), 5 essay questions (60 minutes time) and 5 analysis questions (60 minutes time). Whereas for Computer Resources are 40 multiple choice questions (60 minutes time), 5 essay questions (60 minutes time).
Hopefully the participants who take the competency test can pass all, so that later it is expected to be able to improve the quality of professional human resources, especially in the field of statistics and as a form of implementation of the Bureaucratic Reform Program in the BPS environment in terms of structuring the apparatus HR Management System.
Stress Test
Prior to the implementation of the Statistic Competency Test, on the 10th June a Stress Test was carried out by the Statistical Competency Test Application which can be accessed via the address https://exam.bps.go.id. This trial is to try to apply the Statistics Competency Test program which will be held on June 16, 2020. The application trial can be accessed until June 14 at 14:00 WIB. Stress Tests are carried out in each BPS District / City, Provincial BPS and outside the BPS itself. Participants from outside the BPS can coordinate with the local BKD. In the application trial, participants try to use the application by entering the username and password that have been determined with the website link https://exam.bps.go.id (Jq)
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik
Kabupaten RembangJl. Pemuda Km. 1
Rembang - Jawa Tengah
Telp/fax. (0295) 691040
Email : bps3317@bps.go.id