July 3, 2020 | Other Activities
Alhamdulillah Online Workshop with the theme "Getting to know R and Packages Panel Regression Packages" organized by BPS Rembang Regency on July 3, 2020 has been going well and smoothly. In the event the Head of Rembang Regency BPS, Henri Wagiyanto, S.Pt, M.Ec.Dev, MA, was pleased to give a speech and at the same time open this Online Workshop. As a guest speaker, Suci Ismadyaliana, SST, MM and moderated by Sri Rejeki, SST, MM.
The enthusiasm of the workshop participants was quite large, there were around 400 participants (quota limitation of participants) attending the event both through the zoom application and the YouTube channel BPS Rembang Regency. Participants were not only from ASN-BPS but also from ASN outside BPS, Academics, analysts, BUMN / BUMD, private sector and students.
At the beginning of the presentation, the speakers explained or introduced the terms "R" and "R-Studio". R is a programming and software language specifically designed for statistical analysis. While R-Studio is an IDE for R that will facilitate the use of R. After the resource person has explained in detail and introduced the "R" then the resource person explains how to process panel data regression with R-Studio. In the panel data there are 3 choices of models namely PLS, FEM and REM.
Hopefully the material delivered by the resource persons will provide broad benefits and can increase the capacity of BPS's Human Resources (HR) as a whole, easily understood by the participants and make the key to the success of this statistical study literacy.
Thank you for the attention and enthusiasm of the participants in participating in this online workshop. Thank you to the Head of BPS, Rembang Regency for providing support for the implementation of this event. Thank you also to the speakers, moderators and committee in organizing the online workshop. We are sorry if in the first run this is still not perfect. Hopefully in the future BPS Rembang Regency can still hold similar activities with more interesting themes. (JQ)
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik
Kabupaten RembangJl. Pemuda Km. 1
Rembang - Jawa Tengah
Telp/fax. (0295) 691040
Email : bps3317@bps.go.id