First day of Rapid Test for SP2020 Officer Candidates and signing of SPK - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Rembang Regency

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First day of Rapid Test for SP2020 Officer Candidates and signing of SPK

First day of Rapid Test for SP2020 Officer Candidates and signing of SPK

August 24, 2020 | BPS Activities

In the context of implementing the September 2020 Population Census, BPS Rembang Regency carried out a rapid test for prospective September 2020 Population Census officers. The rapid test process was carried out for four days at four different location points, after the initial rapid tests had been carried out on 22 organic Koseka officers. .

BPS Rembang Regency collaborates with RSI Arofah Rembang in conducting rapid tests. This rapid test was carried out as an effort to break the chain of spreading Covid-19 and to ensure the health condition of prospective census officers who will be on duty in September. Prospective officers must be ensured that they are in good health and free from Covid-19. If later a candidate for officer is declared reactive, BPS Kabupaten Rembang will take action not to include a census officer and will be replaced by a reserve officer.

For prospective officers who have passed the rapid test and show non-reactive results, they will be ready to go to the field by implementing the health protocol and the officers are also equipped with PPE which has been prepared by the Rembang Regency BPS office.

The first location for the rapid test was at the Sulang District office, which was held on August 24, 2020, totaling 126 people from the districts of Sumber, Bulu, Gunem and Sulang. After prospective officers carry out a rapid test, they will sign a work agreement (SPK) for the implementation of the September 2020 Population Census.

Hopefully the implementation of the September 2020 Population Census will run smoothly and successfully. Stay healthy and stick to health protocols. (Jq)
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