In 2024 the number of poor people in Rembang Regency will be 91.45 thousand or 14.02 percent.

To get the BPS data, please come to an Integrated Services Statistics BPS Rembang, Jl. Youth KM.1 Rembang on weekdays from 08.00 till 15.30 pm.

At the moment, Rembang Regency in Figures 2024 is available and can be accessed here.


Product - News

Sharing Knowledge "Getting to Know How to Make Contemporary Videographs"

Sharing Knowledge "Getting to Know How to Make Contemporary Videographs"

Sharing Knowledge "Getting to Know How to Make Contemporary Videographs"

December 18, 2020 | BPS Activities

Good morning #SahabatData all ...
Hopefully you will stay healthy even though it is still in a pandemic condition and #rememberpesenibu, yes, you will still obey health protocols

Towards the end of 2020, Friday (18/12), BPS Rembang Regency held an activity which was one of the Change Agent Network (CAN) programs, namely "Knowledge Sharing" through the zoom application and was attended by BPS Rembang Regency employees both running WFO and WFH. . This sharing of knowledge carried the theme "Getting to know how to make contemporary videographies" with the resource person, Mr. Habib Ramadhani, who is an apprentice of STIS and moderated by Nanda Ilyas Syukur (Distribution Section Staff).

The purpose of this knowledge sharing is to equip and improve the abilities of employees, especially in terms of making graphic designs which are then translated into videographic displays.
#SahabatData ..
In today's digital age, design science is increasingly important because it involves how the public sees posted content. Sometimes if the content is good but the design is not attractive, of course the public will not feel comfortable reading the article for long. Nowadays, video is one of the media that is of interest to the public because of the ease of information absorption compared to other static displays.

Many people may not know that to design they don't have to use tools like Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw or various other difficult tools. There are several software tools to make videographic designs easily, but there is one that is easier and more familiar, namely Microsoft Powerpoint. Everyone is certain to know this application right? it's impossible #SahabatData doesn't know him because maybe most of the computers in this world are powered by the Windows operating system, and Powerpoint is one of the software that is easy to apply in making presentations.

In sharing knowledge this time, before making videographics, the resource person delivered material and also had hands-on practice on how to make basic graphic designs. For beginners, it may take continuous practice to become fluent in making designs. In making videographics, with the right animated Powerpoint templates, coupled with proper narration and audio (by customizing the animation concept), make presentations more stunning, that feel interactive and stylish, without being too overwhelming.

Finally, with this knowledge sharing, it is hoped that participants will be able to master the basic concepts of graphic design (especially videographics) well, be able to design and make works by utilizing existing BPS data so that they can create works of artistic and communicative value, so that the main objective is as a medium. conveying information to the public can be conveyed. (Jq)
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