Adhere to Health Protocols, Remember Mother's Message on "Mother's Day" - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Rembang Regency

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Adhere to Health Protocols, Remember Mother's Message on "Mother's Day"

Adhere to Health Protocols, Remember Mother's Message on "Mother's Day"

December 22, 2020 | Other Activities

Since the Covid-19 pandemic hit, many new things and habits must be applied in everyday life. Health protocols are now obliged to be implemented everywhere, including in the home. The mother's role is very central in a family. A mother continues to work to protect her family from exposure to Covid-19 by continuing to teach the importance of implementing health protocols
In the midst of the current threat of the Covid-19 pandemic, this mother's message represents the feelings and hopes of mothers so that we work together to prevent the spread of this virus. Let's make the celebration of Mother's Day, which we celebrate every year, have a broader meaning. The celebration of Mother's Day is actually an appreciation for all Indonesian women for their role and contribution to the family, society and the country. Thank you mother, I hope you will always be a lamp in the family and continue to be a shade for your beloved baby. Happy Mother's Day 22 December 2020! Empowered Women, Advanced Indonesia! (Jq)
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