January 21, 2016 | Other Activities
sidelines of the busyness of preparing a recruitment officer Economic
Census 2016, KPRI Mustika BPS Rembang hold Annual Members Meeting (RAT)
closing in 2015. The event that was held on Wednesday, January 20, 2016,
attended by members of KPRI and invitation of PKPRI and the Department
of Cooperatives Rembang runs from 09.00 until 12.30 pm. Venturing
RAT, chairman KPRI Mustika thanked advisors, administrators, audit
board and members for their support, hard work and smart so that RAT can
be implemented in the beginning of the year, in the hope RAT in the
coming years could also be implemented at the beginning of the year with
quality which is always increasing. "At
least with the RAT in the beginning of the year, we show that we are
not including the group GAPATAR (Movement Anything later)", jokes
chairman KPRI refer GAFATAR news about the news in the media.
In his
speech, the Head of BPS Rembang as advisors KPRI, reminded the Board to always hold on the agreed work plan. If there is a work plan could not be implemented in 2015 are due to various considerations, in order to remain a concern. In
a good chance the cooperative adviser also informed about the economic
census to the invitation and expect support for the implementation of
the SE2016 listing in May. It
is warmly welcomed by the board PKPRI and Cooperative Agency Rembang
which promised to disseminate information about the economic census to
cooperatives in Rembang to provide the necessary data correctly without
any worries related to taxes. On
the occasion, the board and the Department of Cooperatives BPS PKPRI
Rembang give praise to the implementation of bureaucratic reforms,
especially the discipline shown by BPS Rembang, with hopes of a good
thing can be transmitted to other agencies.
Board KPRI Mustika
reported net income ( SHU) received in 2015 Rp 35,734,946.00, an increase of 32.74 percent from the previous year (US $ 26,921,413.00). This increase is obtained from increasing the credit services of members of Rp 14,882,983.00 (33.34 percent). In addition to savings and loan business, KPRI Mustika also ran a canteen honesty. During 2015, the honesty canteen profits earned as much as US $ 1,567,250.00. However,
the increase in SHU and honesty canteen profits is still a major work
plan for 2016.
Animate RAT, KPRI Mustika give KPRI Mustika Award 2015
for most categories of recipients SHU to Amir Murtono and for most
categories of initial pay installments to Winarso. Door
prizes to be the highlight event meriahnya RAT KPRI Mustika closing in
RAT with many happiness is complete, and bring more passion to meet the 2016 Economic Census LETS SUPPORT AND sukseskan SE2016, to the Indonesian economy better. (CAR)
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