Economic Census 2016 To Indonesian Economy Better (Part 1) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Rembang Regency

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Economic Census 2016 To Indonesian Economy Better (Part 1)

Economic Census 2016 To Indonesian Economy Better (Part 1)

May 1, 2016 | BPS Activities

As stipulated in Law No. 16 Year 1997 on Statistics, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) is obliged to carry out the activities of the Economic Census (SE) every ten years in the year ending in sixes. SE in Indonesia has executed three times, namely in 1986, 1996 and 2006. Thus, activity is an activity SE2016 SE fourth.

    SE2016 activities implemented in phases, starting from the planning and preparation in 2014 up to the presentation and dissemination of results in 2018 that will come. Activities that have been conducted in 2014 and 2015 at the district level are: Updating the directory business / enterprise, the depiction of the map of census blocks uncharged publicity efforts and preparations SE2016.

     Complete data collection activities in 2016 (listing SE2016), beginning with the registration activities of buildings and businesses / companies that are in the building. If the existence of a business unit / company has been identified, then this activity will continue to do business karakterikstik data and other information. The existence of a business unit / company will be identified by field officers by visiting every building in the area of ​​census block or sub-block census (area approach) door to door. While the data collection business characteristics and other information of a business unit performed by interviewing the owner / manager of the business unit / company or person in charge of economic activities on the premises or in the building.

     The scope of activities of listing SE2016 is a whole category / activities, except the activities of agriculture, forestry and fisheries (category A); activity, public administration, defense and compulsory social security (category (O); and activities of households as employers; activities that produce goods and services by households is used to meet its own needs (category T). Thus, the scope of economic activities performed by business units / companies that will be covered by the SE2016 is:

B. Mining and Quarrying;

C. Processing Industry;

D. Procurement of Electricity, Gas / Steam Hot and Cold Air;

E. Management of Water, Wastewater, and Waste Management and Remediation Activities;

F. Construction;

G. Wholesale and Retail; Repair and Maintenance Cars and Motorcycles;

H. Transportation and Warehousing;

I. The provision of accommodation and provision of Eat Drink;

J. Information and Communication;

K. Financial and insurance activities;

L. Real Estate;

M. Activities Professional, Scientific and Technical;

N. activity Rental and Lease Without Option Rights, Employment, Travel Agencies and Other Business Support;

P. Education;

Q. Activity Human Health And Social Activities; except the 87 base classes (social activities in the home) and 88 base classes (social activities outside the home)

R. Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation; unless the base class 92 (Activity Gambling and Betting);

S. Activities Other Services; except the dating service in the 96 999 groups, and professional organizations, community organizations, social organizations, political organizations in the class of 9412, 942, and 949.

U. Activities International Agency and the Agency for International Extra Other, except consulates and embassies.

     Information and information collected through registration activities (listing) building and business unit / company Listing SE2016, among others:

a. Name of business / company;

b. Address business / company;

c. Year started operating;

d. The status of business entities;

e. The main activities of the business / company;

f. Network business / company;

g. Employment;

h. Work months;

i. Business expenses;

j. Internet usage;

k. Franchise system;

l. The value of production / sales / revenue

     In the end, events listings SE2016 will generate basic data of business units / companies engaged in various business activities, except for agriculture, which will be useful for the government's cornerstone policy formulation, planning and evaluation of development. Of businesses will know the position and business opportunities and business competitiveness. For researchers / academics, the data listing SE2016 will enrich materials research and observations in the field of economics. As for the community, will benefit from a more targeted economic policies taken by the government.

     BPS Rembang with the spirit of bureaucratic reform, will be all out in every phase of activity SE2016. Not to forget, BPS Rembang expect support from all parties for the smooth and successful implementation of the SE2016. Support from the local government can through educating entrepreneurs / managers of the activities under its established to provide correct information to the officer SE2016. From the leadership of entrepreneurs, the support can be done by giving conveying / educate employers / member of the set / association to receive and deliver the right information to the officer SE2016. SE2016 activities not related to taxes, free of charge and guaranteed confidentiality of data collected (data protected by the Act No. 16 Year 1997 on Statistics). And for all parties to support in various ways to the success of the SE2016 to welcome the ASEAN economic community.

     In essence, the Economic Census was not confined to the BPS, but in fact belong to the entire nation of Indonesia. LET'S SUPPORT AND sukseskan SE2016, to the Indonesian economy better. (CAR)
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