In 2024 the number of poor people in Rembang Regency will be 91.45 thousand or 14.02 percent.

To get the BPS data, please come to an Integrated Services Statistics BPS Rembang, Jl. Youth KM.1 Rembang on weekdays from 08.00 till 15.30 pm.

At the moment, Rembang Regency in Figures 2024 is available and can be accessed here.


Product - News

Economic Census 2016 Data Quality Deciding Officer (Part 2)

Economic Census 2016 Data Quality Deciding Officer (Part 2)

Economic Census 2016 Data Quality Deciding Officer (Part 2)

May 1, 2016 | BPS Activities

The success of listing SE2016 is influenced by the skill workers. Hence the stages of recruitment of officers is an important concern. Personnel recruitment activities are planned and implemented as well as possible in order to obtain the officer responsible, disciplined, tenacious and thorough. Performance attendant on census or survey activities had previously been one of the considerations in determining the prospective officers. SE2016 officer listing may come from institutions outside BPS employees or the community, who are willing and ready to undertake the activities SE2016 listing their areas of responsibility. Officially, they are bound by contract or work agreement with BPS.

     SE2016 listing of activities carried out by the field staff, which consists of enumerators (PCL), supervisors / inspectors (PML) and a special task force / Task Force (TF). Gradually, enumeration activities by the enumerator or TF will be monitored and coordinated by supervisors, field coordinators (coordinators) and coordinator of the census districts (koseka). Before carrying out tasks according to each task, they will receive training and technical guidance on procedures for the registration of business / company and its business characteristics of officer instructors region (inda). Gradually, inda officers have received training and technical guidance of national instructors (innas), innas of the main instructor (intama) and intama of master intama.

Stages recruitment officer SE2016 listing is:

a. BPS district officer candidate selection committee formed

b. BPS district to attract prospective KSK commissioned officers

c. KSK officer needs to inform the District officers

d. Prospective officers apply to the BPS Chief District through the CWC, by attaching appropriate conditions and biographical data specified format (contain: name, education, experience as an officer of a survey / census BPS, etc.).

e. Prospective officers are civil servants attach a letter of permission from the office.

f. BPS Regency selecting candidates for officers as needed.

g. The selection committee makes a report officer recruitment activities.

h. Candidates for elected officials who participate in the training of personnel Listing SE2016.

As for the general requirements for listing SE2016 officers are:

a. Preferably educated upper secondary education (SLTA) or higher

b. Able to cooperate with other officers listing

c. Ability to communicate (reading, writing, listening, speaking) with Indonesian.

d. Act and behave well (adult, manners and neat).

e. Know the "territory" a good job

f. Willing to do the labor agreement to carry out specific tasks, at a certain period, and with quality results according to the provisions and guidelines

SE2016 obligation listing officers who have been recruited are:

a. Carry out other tasks as stated in the contract (agreement) or the appropriate work orders and directives BPS district.

b. Show identification or an assignment letter to the respondent or local government officials.

c. Use of equipment bearing the SE2016 (pencils, erasers, ballpoint, bags, vests, etc.) at the time of carrying out the enumeration.

d. Noting the value of religion, customs, manners, and always maintain public order.

e. Submit Listing SE2016 proceeds in stages, and not engineering results (minus or plus).

f. Maintain the confidentiality of respondents, related to the identity of the business unit / corporate or business characteristics. Violation of this provision may be subject to punishment as provided for in Article 21 and Article 36 of Law No. 16 of 1997 on Statistics

The number of officers recruited SE2016 listing depends workload as follows:

a. Koseka oversees the entire PML residing in these districts.

b. A PML oversees three PCL.

c. PCL has a workload 2-3 BS / SBS or 1 village

In the end, hopefully this will be obtained from the recruitment officer who actually qualified so what is the great ideals and noble of SE2016 can be achieved. LET'S SUPPORT AND sukseskan SE2016, to the Indonesian economy better. (CAR)
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