Tourism Market Assessment Training Data Nusantara 2016 Statistics of Rembang - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Rembang Regency

In 2024 the number of poor people in Rembang Regency will be 91.45 thousand or 14.02 percent.

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At the moment, Rembang Regency in Figures 2024 is available and can be accessed here.

Tourism Market Assessment Training Data Nusantara 2016 Statistics of Rembang

 Tourism Market Assessment Training Data Nusantara 2016 Statistics of Rembang

August 23, 2016 | Other Activities

After the implementation of the agenda of the Economic Census 2016, the BPS survey conducted sexy ad hock statistical distribution of the Survey Research Data Base Tourism Festival 2016. This activity is totally implemented throughout Indonesia.

Prior to the implementation of these surveys, staff training will be held in advance. Officer Training Survey Research Data Base Tourism Festival 2016 was held on August 9, 2016 in Auditorium BPS Rembang with instructor guided District (Inda) staff that is sexy distribution Muncar Dr, S.ST. The participants of 18 people consisting of 12 people from Partner Statistics which later served as field enumerators and 6 of Organic BPS served as field superintendent.

This survey will be conducted on a quarterly basis. For BPS Rembang itself the number of samples in the survey by 18 quarterly census blocks, where each officer (PCL) 6 blocks census work. For activities are divided into the stages of updating and enumeration of households. Updating schedule Quarter 1 and 2 was conducted in August, while updating Q3 will be held in October and 4 December quarter. For counting a sample 'RT Journey "was held in September.

In the event of such training instructors explain in detail the meaning, purpose and way of filling out the questionnaire. The intent and purpose of this survey is to obtain data or information on the demographic characteristics and the characteristics of the course and the production / consumption by residents of Indonesia in order to travel.

Before the training event closed, instructors provide encouragement and support to trainees so that later can work optimally and responsibly, and hopefully also the participants can understand the concept / definition, methodology and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) has been given by the instructor and implementation in the field and one important thing is the quality of data remain a concern for field workers.

Hopefully the material presented in this training could be a provision and guidance for students who can later be applied in the field and it is expected that the implementation of the Survey Research Data Base Tourism Festival 2016 can achieve optimal results, run smoothly and on time, and produce data quality. (SR)
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