August 25, 2017 | Other Activities
BPS is one of the favorite destinations, especially for students and students to learn or share knowledge and comparative on the sciences of the statistics. This time, on the sidelines of the BPS activity agenda of Rembang district which is quite dense crawling, Tuesday, August 15, 2017 BPS Kabupaten Rembang received study visit from SMA Negeri 1 Rembang which specifically to study the science of statistics, including learning about the material of national income and regional income element , wage system, growth and economic development and employment.
This visit is part of the school's internal program for economic subjects. Actually materially, the students have got the material from the school and to know more how the application of the materials in every statistical activity, then the school provides an opportunity for students to share knowledge to BPS Kabupaten Rembang.
The arrival of the student who was accompanied by his class guardian was welcomed and received by the Head of BPS of Rembang Regency, Amirudin, S.Si, MMSI accompanied by the Head of Administration Division, Isnaini, SST. Greeting represented by Head of Sub Administration and as resource person in delivery of material is Kasi Nerwilis, Miyan Andi Irawan, SST, MSE. The event lasted about 3 hours and during the discussion or sharing knowledge, the atmosphere is so lively where the students listen to the material exposure and with their enthusiasm to discuss each other and question and answer directly with the speakers.
Student visits for the next class are held on August 24, 2017. For the materials are still the same as those delivered at the time of the first student visit.
Finally this visit is really used as a forum for sharing knowledge and experience, also to increase the science of perstatistikan. Hopefully these visits can provide benefits especially for the development and progress of SMAN 1 Rembang and the world of education in Indonesia in general. (SR)
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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Kabupaten RembangJl. Pemuda Km. 1
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