September 28, 2017 | Other Activities
On September 26, 2017, the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) all over Indonesia simultaneously commemorated the National Statistics Day (HSN) in 2017 by conducting the National Statistics Day (HSN) app ceremony. Head of BPS Rembang Regency, Amirudin, S.Si, MMSI led the way directly apple HSN in the Office of BPS Office of Rembang Regency. Apple HSN started at 07.30 WIB followed by all employees of BPS Rembang District, Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) and retired BPS Rembang Regency. National Statistics Day (HSN) is not a birthday of BPS but rather a day of promulgation of Law no. 7 Year 1960 on statistics so that National Statistics Day is not only owned by BPS but created for the community. All communities are involved in the pursuit of quality data. Head of BPS of Rembang Regency read out the speech of the Head of BPS RI, Dr. Suhariyanto who in essence that building data is expensive, but building without data is more expensive. This shows how serious the role of data in development. Statistical data is not everything, but without data we will lose everything. The HSN Warning brings the theme of '' Working With Data '' which is a call for all elements of the nation to work together to build Indonesia, with reference to statistics as its foundation. Collaborative work is essential in achieving the achievements of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Each ministry / institution including the local government has the responsibility to meet the indicators of the SDGs and integrate them into various development program and policy plans in each agency. Head of BPS RI invites all levels of Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) both at central and regional levels to maintain the independence of BPS at any time, under any pressure, and make BPS as a respected institution, an institution that can not be intervened. He also stressed that BPS data is not to please certain parties. BPS data should accurately capture facts in the field objectively and accurately with standardized methodologies and in accordance with international standards. At the end of his speech, he thanked for all the contributions and sacrifices that have been given to BPS, hopefully it can be a charity of all of us to become better human beings and give goodness and benefit for others, like the Javanese proverb that says "Urip sejatine gawe urup ", which means life should give a good life for the surrounding. After the apple HSN, the next event was a workshop with all employees of Rembang BPS, DWP and retirees in the BPS hall of Rembang Regency, led by Head of BPS of Rembang Regency. After the next meeting, the rice tumpeng is cut and eat together. Although in a simple atmosphere, but this time HSN warning is expected to unite rhythm steps to jointly realize reliable BPS in the data, statistics for the nation and quality BPS. All must be ready to change for a better CPM. (SR) ----- Regards HSN 2017 -----
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