The 89th Anniversary of the 89th Anniversary of the Youth Oath In the BPS Environment of Rembang Reg
October 31, 2017 | Other Activities
The Anniversary Ceremony of the 89th Youth Oath Day in the BPS Environment of Rembang Regency was held in the yard of BPS Office of Rembang Regency on 28 October 2017 at 07.30 WIB. Acting as the ceremony coach is the Head of BPS Rembang Regency, Amirudin, S. Si, MMSI, followed by all levels of employees in the BPS Rembang Regency.
The celebration of the 89th Youth Oath Day in 2017 has the theme "Pemuda Indonesia Berani Bersatu". The warning recalls the spirit of struggle of youth 89 years ago. Where young people are able to unite from different parts of the country who have different religious backgrounds, tribes and customs. Yet the youth are able to commit to gather together to bind a promise of struggle.
In the 89th Anniversary Ceremony of the 89th Youth Pledge Day, the Head of BPS of Rembang Regency read the Remembrance of the 89th Anniversary of the Youth Pledge, while the reading of the Pancasila Text, the reading of the 1945 Constitution, and the reading of each Prayer Document was performed by the ceremony officers. The songs of Satu Nusa Satu Bangsa dan Bangun Pemuda Pemudi end the ceremony.
Hopefully through the momentum of the 89th Anniversary of the Youth Pledge Day 2017 we will remember the events of our youth oath, the spirit of our unity, NKRI price die, hopefully Indonesia can rise to the golden generation. With the passion and active role of youth, this can be a capital of how to build and keep NKRI, youth should be more able to reunite, because that's the capital to become a great nation.
At the end of the ceremony was carried out the submission of the Decree of the Increase of the rank of brother Roni Rijanto, KSK Kaliori. Hopefully this will be a great encouragement in carrying out the tasks professionally, full of responsibility and remain trustful. (SR)
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