November 6, 2017 | Other Activities
Monday, October 2, 2017 BPS Rembang Regency arrival 3 students Mathematics Department of Semarang State University (UNNES). They will run 3 parts of the Job Training field (PKL) for 30 working days. Their arrival was welcomed by Head of BPS of Rembang Regency, Amirudin, S.Si, MMSI accompanied by Head of Administration Division, Isnaini, SST, MM.
Student counsel from UNNES expects BPS Rembang Regency willing to educate and guide students who street vendors in BPS with real manifestation of field application of the theoretical materials that have been obtained during the lecture. This street vendors is intended as an effort to prepare students to be able to work professionally and qualified. Students must be able to bring the good name of UNNES to BPS Kabupaten Rembang. In addition, the counselor also hopes the cooperation does not stop at PKL cooperation, but in the future BPS Rembang is expected to continue to exist as a provider of data.
Furthermore, the Head of BPS of Rembang Regency advised that PKL students are expected to adapt (adapt) to the work environment and all BPS staff of Rembang Regency, because quickly adjusting the relationship and communication can run well and smoothly. In addition, the knowledge obtained when street vendors to be absorbed as much as possible, because it is possible when street vendors in the BPS will get a new science that has not been obtained during lectures at UNNES.
The BPS of Rembang Regency has guided the students in this case to carry out BPS duties, for learning and experience for students before graduation and work in the world of work. Students PKL is then expected to help the tasks of BPS as well as to take lessons that are useful during street vendors, which will last for 30 working days.
In the BPS schedule, October is a full month of activity, namely susenas processing semester II in 2017 and UMK and UMB data collection activities Economic Census 2016-Lanjutan. With the involvement of street vendors in processing susenas at least can give understanding to them that data processing has its own complexity and constraints.
During the street vendors, students are given the task of assisting the work in the IPDS section. And today, November 3, 2017 is the last day of UNNES PKL students in BPS Rembang Regency. From the BPS, we would like to express our gratitude for the assistance of UNNES students in helping to complete the work of BPS, especially IPDS sections work which for 30 days they focused on working in the IPDS section. (SR)
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