BPS of Rembang Regency Welcomes Holy Month of Ramadan with 'Munggahan' - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Rembang Regency

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BPS of Rembang Regency Welcomes Holy Month of Ramadan with 'Munggahan'

BPS of Rembang Regency Welcomes Holy Month of Ramadan with 'Munggahan'

May 17, 2018 | Other Activities

Welcoming the coming of holy month of Ramadhan this year, big family of BPS of Regency of Rembang held 'Munggahan' event. The event was held on Wednesday 16 May 2018 (the last day of the month of ruwah / sya'ban), in the BPS Hall of Rembang Regency followed by all BPS staff of Rembang Regency.

Munggahan event is the first time held BPS Rembang Regency and hope in the following years will become 'annual tradition' in welcoming the coming of the holy month of Ramadan.

 The term 'Munggahan' is actually a Javanese term derived from the word 'munggah' which means to rise. With the coming of the holy month of Ramadan is expected that Muslims who run fasting Ramadan can 'munggah derajate' or upgraded. Because the month of Ramadan is an extraordinary month compared to other months. All the deeds in this month will be doubled for those who run them. So it is fitting for us Muslims to prepare themselves in the face of this blessed and maghfiroh month.

Speech of Head of BPS Kabupaten, Amirudin, S.Si, MMSI started this Munggahan event. In his speech, he conveyed that the event of Munggahan is different and it is aimed to build togetherness, strengthen the relationship, mutual forgiveness, mutual respect and respect for each other in the family atmosphere in BPS Kabupaten Rembang. Hope all can run fast fasting and khusu ', can increase the faith and piety all done solely to expect charity of worship, ridho and blessings from Allah SWT. 'Munggahan' is a first step to start, prepare to welcome the holy month of Ramadan.

After the speech of Head of BPS of Rembang Regency, the event continued with Religious Lecture delivered by Br. Sukaryo (IPDS section staff), who in his speech conveyed about the meaning and essence of fasting.

This Munggahan event ends with a meal together and continued with each other-forgive the inter-fellow employees with full kinship. (SR)


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