2018 Annual IMK Listing BPS of Rembang Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Rembang Regency

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2018 Annual IMK Listing BPS of Rembang Regency

2018 Annual IMK Listing BPS of Rembang Regency

August 10, 2018 | BPS Activities

The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) again held the Annual Micro and Small Industry Survey (IMK) 2018. The Micro and Small Industry Survey (IMK) is a survey conducted in a sample of micro industrial companies (having a workforce of 1-4 people) and small industrial companies (has a workforce of 5-19 people).
            In general, the Annual IMK survey aims to find out the profile of Micro and Small Industries (IMK) of potential regions in Indonesia, especially in Rembang Regency which can be used as a material for macroeconomic activities planning.
            The target of enumeration includes small micro industry enterprises / companies spread across 10 sub-districts from 14 sub-districts in Rembang Regency. Sub-districts that were not affected by the sample were Bulu, Sale, Gunem and Sarang subdistricts.
Annual IMK activities are carried out through the listing stages in selected census blocks outside the SE2016-Advanced census block and continued with enumeration of micro / small business / business units.
For Rembang Regency, the number of IMK 2018 listing samples was 26 census blocks, with 14 listing officers. Each officer has an average burden of 2-3 census blocks. Schedule of IMK listing activities on 23-31 July 2018 and sample enumeration on 10-31 August 2018.
At the listing stage, officers do household listing / registration door to door. Obstacles faced by officers when listing include many households when visited by officers, are not at home. Finally it requires the officer to come back to him on another day. In addition, another obstacle is the census block map that has undergone many changes, making it a bit difficult for listing officers where officers must repair landmarks without having to change the outer limit of the census block map itself. Even so, the challenge did not make the listing officer lose hope in carrying out their duties. With perseverance and patience, and of course with high enthusiasm, various obstacles in the field can be overcome by officers. Furthermore, from the results of the listing, a sample will be drawn at the provincial level and after obtaining a business sample, a sample enumeration will be carried out on the business / household business unit conducted in this August.
Finally, the implementation of the annual IMK listing in Rembang Regency went smoothly, was completed on time, and the obstacles that occurred at the time of listing could be resolved immediately. (SR)
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