Phase II Year 2018 Online Competency Test In the Central Bureau of Statistics of Central Java Provin
October 19, 2018 | Other Activities
Competency testing as one of the inpassing requirements and promotion for statisticians, this year was conducted online at all provincial BPS.
Thursday, October 18, 2018 at the 3rd Floor BPS Processing Room in Central Java Province, the Phase II Statistic Competency Test was conducted online and participated by 109 participants from the District BPS / City in Central Java.
Participants who take the test in phase II are participants for promotion (regular) and inpassing and participants who have passed the previous competency test (stage 1) have failed, so they can follow again in stage 2. The type of competency test that was tested at this stage was Competency Test as Supervisor Statistic, Advanced Implementing Statistics, Young Statistics and Intermediate Statistics. For Rembang Regency alone, the number of participants taking part in the competency test in phase II was 2 people (Intermediate Statistics and Implementing Statistics Continued)
Statistics Competency Test participants are divided into 2 (two) waves. Wave I (08.15 - 11.15 WIB) and Wave II (13.15 - 16.15 WIB).
Head of BPS Provision Central Java, Sentot Bangun Widoyono, MA as the person in charge of the activity, before the examination process begins first opening and giving direction and motivation to all participants can work on the questions well and hope the participants can pass all later.
Before the test starts, participants register and then participants are welcome to go to the exam room in the IPDS / processing room. The supervisor of the exam is in addition to the Central Java Provincial BPS itself, there is also a supervisor from the Indonesian BPS. Before the test begins, supervisors from the Central Java Provincial BPS read out the procedures and procedures for conducting the exam. The questions tested were 40 multiple choice questions (45 minutes), 5 essay questions (60 minutes) and 5 analysis questions (60 minutes).
Hopefully, with this competency test will be able to improve the quality of professional human resources, especially in the field of statistics and as a form of implementation of the Bureaucratic Reform Program in the BPS environment in terms of Structuring the Apparatus HR Management System.
Stress Test
Prior to the implementation of the Statistic Competency Test, on October 4, 2018 the Stress Test Application for Statistical Competency Test was carried out. This trial is to try to apply the Statistical Competency Test program which will be held on October 18, 2018. Trials are carried out in each District / City BPS, Provincial BPS and outside the BPS itself. Here, participants try to use the application by entering a username and password that has been determined with the website link (SR)
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