November 16, 2018 | Other Activities
The routine meeting of the BPS Rembang Regency DWP as a means of strengthening the relationship between jga as a place to share information between fellow administrators and members of the DWP. The event was held on Friday, November 16, 2018 in the Rembang Regency BPS Hall.
The meeting this time was at the same time reorganizing the management, because in BPS the Rembang Regency had already had a new leadership transition. Automatically for management of DWP also follows. As Chair of the new DWP Inu Mimin Henri Wagiyanto.
Many of the things delivered by Ms. Mimin, including future plans and work programs of the DWP, intensified the active role, especially the presence of DWP members and other matters for the progress of the BPS DWP in Rembang.
Hopefully this meeting can provide benefits and valuable contributions to the management and members of the Rembang Regency's own BPS DWP. (SR)
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Rembang - Jawa Tengah
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