National Socio-Economic Survey Training (SUSENAS) March 2020 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Rembang Regency

In 2024 the number of poor people in Rembang Regency will be 91.45 thousand or 14.02 percent.

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National Socio-Economic Survey Training (SUSENAS) March 2020

National Socio-Economic Survey Training (SUSENAS) March 2020

February 5, 2020 | BPS Activities

Wednesday, January 29, 2020 BPS Rembang Regency held Candidate Training for National Socio-Economic Survey Officers (SUSENAS) March 2020 Wave I at Fave Hotel Rembang. The training is divided into 2 (two) waves. Wave I on January 29 - February 1 2020 and wave II on February 2-5, 2020.

In the first and second waves, the training was attended by 30 participants each (PCL / PML) from partners and organic BPS of Rembang Regency guided by the National Instructor (Innas), Faisal Lutfi Arief, SST (Staff of the Social Statistics Section of BPS Rembang Regency ).

The training was opened by the Head of BPS of Rembang Regency, Henri Wagiyanto, S.Pt, M. Ec.Dev, MA. In his remarks he explained briefly about the Susenas activities and the indicators generated from this survey. Susenas results are used to calculate poverty levels up to district / city level. In addition to calculating the poverty level, other indicators sourced from this Susenas are the HDI, Gini Ratio and components of household consumption expenditure in the GRDP also taken from Susenas data and many other indicators. The purpose of Susenas data collection is to provide data relating to the socio-economic conditions of the community which include health, education, family planning, housing and other socio-economic conditions.

In his remarks he advised all the training participants to be able to participate in learning to the maximum so that later when collecting data in the field obtained accurate and accurate information. Officers must prioritize the quality of the data generated, continue to do probing, according to the SOP and on time. Field supervision must be carried out at the beginning of data collection so as to minimize errors both when filling in the questionnaire and when conducting interviews. Officers must oversee the quality of this Susenas data when collecting data in the field. Stay motivated and take care of your health so that you can carry out your tasks smoothly and optimally.

During the training participants received materials provided by the instructor regarding the concept of definition, how to fill out questionnaires, confirmations and case examples in the field. In addition to the material, the officer can then apply to roleplaying (interview interview) with the respondent already prepared by the committee. In this role playing officer can really practice how to conduct direct interviews with respondents, how officers dig information / information (probing) with households all of which will be faced directly by officers in the field at the time of data collection. Furthermore, the questionnaire results of the interviews are evaluated directly by the instructor so that later officers at the time of data collection in the field can minimize errors both in interviews and filling questionnaire. After the next roleplaying the participants followed the deepening of the material to find out how the participants received the material given by the instructor.

Hopefully the implementation of Susenas in Rembang Regency will run smoothly without significant obstacles. Officers can solve problems that occur in the field by continuing to coordinate with their respective supervisors. And on the shoulders of the field officers, the quality of the Susenas data is determined first.

In the context of the 2020 Population Census, at the end of the opening ceremony this time the Head of BPS in Rembang Regency also socialized SP2020 activities to trainees to become 2020 AGENTS FOR AGENTS, by actively participating in supporting and succeeding the 2020 Population Census. the declaration of the implementation of the 2020 Population Census and the screening of the song "Noting Indonesia". (Qnerwil)

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