March 16, 2020 | BPS Activities
SPAK or Anti-Corruption Behavior Survey is one of the BPS surveys which aims to:
• Measuring individual judgment, knowledge, behavior, anti-corruption in Indonesia.
• Measuring the extent of zero tolerance culture towards corrupt behavior.
SPAK is carried out throughout Indonesia. In Rembang Regency, the number of SPAK samples is 4 census blocks, namely Kalitengah Village (Pancur District), Gedangan Village (Rembang District), Sidorejo Village (Pamotan District) and Sambongpayak Village (Gunem District). The number of officers is 3 people, 2 people are field enumerators (PCS) and 1 field employee (PMS). The SPAK enumeration was held on 1-31 March 2020.
This SPAK data collection does not use a paper questionnaire, but instead uses an Android Tablet that has the SPAK application installed. The data generated can be directly received by the server at the Central BPS.
The results of this SPAK are used to calculate the Anti-Corruption Behavior Index (IPAK) and this IPAK can only be used for estimation at the national level. IPAK value ranges from 0-5. Getting closer to 5 means getting better. This means that people behave increasingly anti-corruption. Based on BPS data, the IPAK 2019 value is 3.70 higher than the IPAK 2018 of 3.66. This increase is caused by the decline in public access to public services through intermediaries and according to him the people who give money / goods exceed provisions and consider it cheap.
How much is IPAK 2020? .... we are looking forward to the release of the data. Hopefully the SPAK data collection will run smoothly, finish on time and produce accurate and quality data. (jq)
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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