August 21, 2020 | BPS Activities
Wednesday (19/8) Head of BPS Rembang Regency, Henri Wagiyanto, accompanied by the Head of IPDS, Khaerul Anwar held a meeting with all KSK to evaluate and finalize the preparation of the Sub-District Publication in Figures (KCA) 2020. The meeting was conducted by implementing the Covid-19 health protocol.
Before the final, the KCA that had been prepared by the KSK had previously been examined by the Kasi IPDS and the leadership which was carried out in stages, starting from data collection, tabulation, layout, and data entry. Improvements and completeness of data continue to be made in an effort to improve the quality of KCA 2020 publications that are getting better and of higher quality. It is hoped that the preparation of this publication must be completed before the publication date of September 26, 2020.
#DataData ...
The data that is displayed in KCA publications is data at the sub-district level and some data at the village level. The data is collected from agencies (sub-districts, villages, UPT, Puskesmas, etc.) in Rembang Regency. Of course, this publication is much awaited by data users, especially the Head of Sub-district, as a collection of statistical information that is useful in describing the progress and challenges of development in their region.
It is hoped that the KCA publication will help provide statistical data at the sub-district level. So it is useful as supporting data for the preparation, planning, policy, and evaluation of development in the sub-district area as well as supporting data for the development of the Rembang Regency area. (Jq)
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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