The Quality of Human Development Raises in the Pandemic Period - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Rembang Regency

In 2024 the number of poor people in Rembang Regency will be 91.45 thousand or 14.02 percent.

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The Quality of Human Development Raises in the Pandemic Period

The Quality of Human Development Raises in the Pandemic Period

December 21, 2020 | BPS Activities

#SahabatData, have you ever heard of the term IPM?
The Human Development Index or abbreviated as HDI is an indicator that can be used to measure the success of the government in building the quality of life of the community. HDI as an indicator of the government's target in development, is indicated by the pouring of HDI in determining macroeconomic assumptions.

The COVID-19 pandemic has an impact on human development in Indonesia, including HDI in Rembang Regency. This can be seen from the slowdown in the growth of the Human Development Index (HDI) in 2020 compared to previous years. The HDI for Rembang Regency in 2020 was 70.02, a decrease of 0.13 points compared to the previous year's achievement of 70.15. However, this achievement is already in the 'high' category with HDI achievement figures between 70.0 - 79.9

The slowdown in HDI growth in 2020 in Rembang Regency was greatly influenced by a decrease in the adjusted average per capita expenditure. This indicator decreased from 10,551 million rupiah in 2019 to 10,328 million rupiah in 2020.

In terms of education, in 2020 children aged 7 years have the hope of being able to enjoy education for 12.11 years or almost equivalent to the length of time to complete education up to Diploma I level.This figure has increased by 0.01 points compared to the previous year which reached 12 ,10 years. In addition, the average length of schooling for residents aged 25 years and over is still increasing by 0.01 years, from 7.15 years in 2019 to 7.16 years in 2020.

Dari sisi kesehatan, bayi yang lahir pada tahun 2020 memiliki harapan untuk dapat hidup hingga 74,55 tahun, lebih lama 0,12 tahun dibandingkan dengan mereka yang lahir pada tahun sebelumnya.


Bila dilihat perkembangan angka IPM selama kurun waktu 2015-2020, pencapaian IPM Kabupaten Rembang selalu meningkat setiap tahunnya, secara absolut mengalami kenaikan, hanya pada tahun 2020 yang sedikit mengalami penurunan. Berturut dari tahun 2015-2020 yaitu 68,18 (2015); 68,60 (2016); 68,95 (2017); 69,46 (2018); 70,15 (2019); dan 70,02 (2020).


Dibanding dengan IPM Provinsi Jawa Tengah, pencapaian IPM Kabupaten Rembang dari tahun 2015 sampai 2020 selalu dibawah angka IPM Provinsi Jawa Tengah, yaitu 71,87.


Jika dibanding dengan wilayah-wilayah di sekitar Rembang, pencapaian angka IPM Kabupaten Rembang lebih tinggi dibanding Kabupaten Blora (68,84) dan Grobogan (69,87). Akan tetapi, IPM Kabupaten Rembang masih lebih rendah dibanding pencapaian Kabupaten Pati (71,77), Kudus (75,00) dan Jepara (71,99).


Di masa pandemi seperti saat ini, sektor ekonomi di Kabupaten Rembang harus menjadi perhatian. Tingkat daya beli masyarakat Rembang harus terus didorong. Begitu juga sektor kesehatan dan pendidikan juga harus ditingkatkan. Ini merupakan kunci peningkatan IPM di Kabupaten Rembang.


#SahabatData...jaga kesehatan dan keselamatan ya. #ingatpesanibu, patuhi protokol kesehatan. Mari kita lindungi diri kita, keluarga dan juga orang lain dari penyebaran covid-19.

Salam Sehat.


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