Subround 1 tile listing in 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Rembang Regency

In 2024 the number of poor people in Rembang Regency will be 91.45 thousand or 14.02 percent.

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Subround 1 tile listing in 2021

Subround 1 tile listing in 2021

December 29, 2020 | BPS Activities

The ubinan listing is one of a series of activities from the ubinan survey which is carried out in each subround. This activity is the closing of BPS surveys at the end of 2020. With the spirit of work and the spirit of bureaucratic reform, we must be ready to carry out BPS activities in a professional, quality and timely manner.

The ubinan survey is a survey that aims to determine the productivity (yield per hectare) of food crops (rice and secondary crops), which is carried out in 3 sub-fields, namely:
1. Subround 1 (period January - April)
2. Subround 2 (period May - August)
3. Subround 3 (September - December period)

Before the implementation of the ubinan, the listing or household registration stage is usually carried out by listing officers who have previously been provided with the material in the ubinan listing briefing. This listing is executed at the end of the month leading up to the subround period. Household listing activities are carried out to obtain a complete and up-to-date list of names and addresses of households cultivating food crops and to obtain estimated harvest month data in the subround period.

The ubinan listing currently being carried out is a ubinan listing for the preparation of the ubinan subround I survey in 2021. The ubinan listing is carried out by field officers (KSK and statistical partners) while still applying the health protocol.

Hopefully this activity will be the initial encouragement for officers in entering 2021 so that the goals of bureaucratic reform can be achieved. Of course this will not necessarily run smoothly without resistance from the internal and external environment of an organization itself.

The hope is that the implementation of the ubinan listing will get optimal and accurate results which can later be used as a reference in taking the ubinan samples which will be carried out at the next stage. In the future, field officers can work with seriousness, seriousness and professionalism while still prioritizing the quality of the data generated. Various obstacles that occurred when collecting data in the field as early as possible could be resolved properly in order to achieve optimal results. (Jq)
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