Farmer Exchange Rate of Rembang Regency 2018 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Rembang Regency

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Farmer Exchange Rate of Rembang Regency 2018

Catalog Number : 7102019.3317
Publication Number : 33170.1923
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : November 13, 2019
Revision Date : December 26, 2019
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 2.34 MB


The agricultural sector consisting of the food crops, horticulture, plantation, livestock and agricultural services subsectors as well as the forestry and fisheries sector became the dominant sector in the economy of Rembang Regency with a contribution of 27.00 percent in 2018. Supported by the area of ​​which is largely agricultural land , the livelihoods of the population of Rembang Regency are also mostly farmers. Therefore, the welfare of farmers is an important priority related to improving the quality of life in Rembang Regency. One indicator that can be used in measuring the level of welfare of farmers is the Farmers Exchange Rate Index (NTP).

During the January-December 2018 period, Farmer Exchange Rates (NTP) in Rembang showed movements ranging from 100.80 to 102.60. The highest FTT occurred in September while the lowest FTT occurred in July. The average NTP of Rembang Regency in 2018 is 101.81. Break even / break even due to an increase / decrease in the price of production is the same as an increase / decrease in the price of goods or services consumed by farmers. When compared to the average FTT in 2017, the average FTT in 2018 increased by 1.49 percent, because the average FTT in 2017 was recorded at 100.31.

In general, the FTT in the horticulture sub-sector (98.24) and the livestock sub-sector (99.56) have scores below 100. The highest FTT in the fisheries sub-sector (103.49) and the lowest FTT in the horticulture sub sector. In other words, the welfare level of farmers engaged in the fisheries sub-sector is higher than the farmers in other sub-sectors.

Rural inflation in 2018 in Rembang Regency is quite fluctuating. In 2018 there were 8 months of inflation, 4 months of deflation. The highest inflation occurred in October of 1.15 percent and the lowest inflation in September of 0.06 percent. January inflation was triggered by the increase in food sub-group expenditure by 0.30 percent, housing by 6.47 percent, clothing by 0.36 percent, health by 3.61 percent, education, recreation and sports by 4.19. While deflation occurred in February (0.16 percent), July (0.12 percent) and August (0.39 percent).
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