Survey Preparation Weigh Diagram NTPHP 2015 in Rembang - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Rembang Regency

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Survey Preparation Weigh Diagram NTPHP 2015 in Rembang

Survey Preparation Weigh Diagram NTPHP 2015 in Rembang

September 10, 2015 | BPS Activities

Indonesia is an archipelago that most of its territory is ocean. The total area of ​​Indonesian waters with a wealth of marine resources and fisheries enable Indonesia as one of the world's largest supplier of fishery products. The magnitude of the potential of marine and fisheries sector contributed positively to the growth of business and economic Indonesia, especially for the industrial processing of fishery products either are managed by individuals / households and companies. Therefore, the existence and performance of industrial processing of fishery products to be very important in improving empowerment, competitiveness, self-reliance and sustainability of marine and fishery business that policies relating to the processing of fishery products can be better targeted.

Calculation of Exchange Rate Fishery Products Processing (NTPHP) can be one proxy to see the level of household kersejahteraan processing of fishery products. NTPHP is the ratio between the index of prices received by domestic processors of fishery products (It) with the index of prices paid domestic processing of fishery products (Ib). To get the commodity basket and weight of each commodity in the calculation carried NTPHP Survey Preparation Weigh diagram (SPDT NTPHP). NTPHP SPDT activity begins with the registration of buildings and businesses / companies (listing) in selected census block, followed by data on the processing of fishery products by considering the scale of business and type of processing. Type processing fishery products covered by these activities include: salting / drying, pemindangan, fumigation / roasting, fermentation, digestion of fish meat and other processing. While the scope of data collection, namely household income processing of fishery products from the sale of products, household expenditure for production and household consumption. Listing will be held on 7 to 20 September 2015, while household enumeration sample processing fishery products on 1-30 October 2015.

SPDT NTPHP in Central Java is only implemented in 9 districts / cities, including Rembang. Samples in Rembang scattered in the district Nest (Karangmangu Village and Village Bajingmeduro); Subdistrict Kragan (village view Kulon); Subdistrict Lasem (Village Bonang, Dasun village, village and village Tasiksono Gedongmulyo); District of Rembang (Village girlfriend; Tasikagung and Waru village) and the District Kaliori (Village Dresi Kulon).

In the end, hopefully NTPHP SPDT activities can run smoothly with the result that a true picture of the business processing of fishery products in Rembang. (CAR)

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