Implementation of the Field Survey Study of Tourism Market Data Nusantara 2016 in Rembang Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Rembang Regency

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Implementation of the Field Survey Study of Tourism Market Data Nusantara 2016 in Rembang Regency

Implementation of the Field Survey Study of Tourism Market Data Nusantara 2016 in Rembang Regency

August 24, 2016 | BPS Activities

The end of the 2016 Economic Census activities does not mean ending all activities BPS. CPM held a survey of Tourism Market Data Study Nusantara 2016 is a collaboration between BPS and the Ministry of Tourism which such data sanagt required for the preparation of plans and policies in the field of tourism, especially related to domestic tourist trips.

For this survey activity conducted on a quarterly basis and this time into the schedule for updating the second quarter of the coverage pertanyaaannya encompass domestic tourist trips in quarter 1. The enumeration 'RT' Travel 'held in September right after updating quarter 1 and 2 are completed.

At the beginning of activities updating household, supervisory guidance and performance evaluation to the clerk, it is intended to minimize errors that occur in the field at the time of the interview to the respondent of the related concept definition, how to fill out a questionnaire as well as a lack of probing from the clerk so that mistakes are possible inevitable happened as early as possible.

Obstacles encountered during the interview to the respondents is that most of the respondents do not remember when asked about domestic travel during the quarter 1. They can only be given for the journey they had just carried out in Q2 and it was just a lot going on in quarter 2. Although thus officers keep doing the probing depth in order to capture the phenomenon of domestic trips in Q1.

After finishing updating household officer then submitted to the supervisor for examination and then performed data processing (data entry).

In accordance with a predetermined schedule, hopefully the implementation of this survey in Rembang can run smoothly and on time, completion of the problems that occur at the time of data collection in the field that could ultimately achieve optimal results and data produced more quality. (SR)
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