May 2, 2017 | BPS Activities
2017, the Balance Sheet and Statistical Analysis Section has several
types of activities / surveys, both of which are executed on a yearly or
quarterly basis. For quarterly surveys the enumeration period is as follows:
First Quarter ie in the period of January-March, Triw II period
April-June, Triw III period July-September, and Triw IV period
For quarterly and annual balance sheet surveys (implementation in April) include:
1. Special Survey of Household Consumption (SKKRT)
The survey records household expenditures by 12 COICOP groups. Goods consumed can be obtained from purchases, own production
or gifts from other parties, except expenses for fixed assets and
expenses for business purposes.
For Rembang Regency the number of samples is 20 households. The enumeration officer is an organic BPS Kabupaten Rembang.
2. Special Survey of Non-Profit Institution Serving Household (SKLNPRT)
This survey records the income and expenses of non-profit institutions serving 10 households of LNPRT each quarter. For Rembang Regency the number of quarterly samples is 10 LNPRT. As for the LNPRT Annual sample of 5 LNPRT Officers are the organic enumeration BPS Rembang Regency.
3. Quarterly Special Survey Balance of Goods Sector Production (SKTNP-B)
This survey records production data and pricing data which is the basis for the preparation of GRDP. Business sectors covered include: Manufacturing industry, mining / mining, Livestock and Waste Management. For Rembang Regency the number of samples is 4 companies / business. The enumeration officer is an organic BPS Kabupaten Rembang.
4. Special Service Sector Survey (SKSJ)
This survey records the calculation of GDP / GDP of the
service sector and to find out the structure of distribution and demand
of selected commodities.
For Rembang Regency the number of samples is 4 trade sector
The enumeration officer is an organic BPS Kabupaten Rembang.
5. Private Enterprise Survey (SKPS)
survey aims to obtain information on the characteristics of
corporations / Non-Financial Private Companies, such as capital
structure, number of labor and information on the results of business
transactions through the company's financial statements. For Rembang regency, there are 3 industrial sectors, trade and construction sectors
The enumeration officer is an organic BPS Kabupaten Rembang.
6. Special Study Survey of Inventory Changes (SKSPPI)
The survey aims to derive initial and final inventory
quantity and inventory data, acquire inventory patterns and inventory
structures by field of business and obtain information on inventory
ratios to production values.
For Rembang regency, there are 3 industrial sectors, excavation and construction
The enumeration officer is an organic BPS Kabupaten Rembang.
7. Updating the LNP Directory
This survey aims to know the existence of non-profit
institutions in a region For Rembang District the number of samples of 6
departments (Ministry of Religious Affairs, Disbudpar, Social,
Kesbanglinmas, Health Office and Education Office) and enumeration
officers are organic BPS Rembang Regency.
the implementation of Balance Sheets 2017 in Kabupaten Rembang can run
smoothly, on time, can produce quality data, both from the data
collection stage in the field by the officer or from the side of the
respondent's answer. (SR)