October 2, 2017 | BPS Activities
SUSENAS is one of the surveys that became the prima donna / icon of BPS. Because in SUSENAS there are social indicators that are widely used by various circles, both inside and outside the country. Therefore the continuity of SUSENAS data availability and quality must be maintained and enhanced. SUSENAS is a survey activity to collect information / data on population, health, education, family planning, housing, and consumption and expenditure. In order to improve the accuracy of data generated and for poverty counting, the data collection of Susenas beginning in 2015 is implemented semi-annually. The first semester was held in March and Semester II in September. SUSENAS enumeration in March with large sample size to produce data up to district level, while enumeration in September with smaller sample to produce data only for provincial and national estimate. The SUSENAS questionnaires used in the SUSENAS September 2017 enumeration are the Social Security Module Questionnaire (VSEN17.HANSOS) and the Consumption / Spending Questionnaire (VSEN17.KP). The SUSENAS September 2017 questionnaire was prepared with the objective of producing indicators that correspond to Nawacita, RPJMN, Social Accounts and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The SUSENAS September 2017 questionnaire underwent several changes compared to the questionnaires used in the SUSENAS September 2014 implementation. Changes in the Hansos Module questionnaire in September 2017 included changes to the questionnaire layout and the reduction of some questions that were not related to the SDGs indicator. The reduction of questions was also made as several questions were asked in the questionnaire of the Happiness Measurement Survey (SPTK). The number of SUSENAS samples in Kabupaten Rembang were 18 census blocks (or 180 households), with 14 field officers consisting of 10 field counterparts (PCS), all of whom were from statistik partners and 4 as field supervisors (PMS). Each PCS has a 1-2 census block assignment. And each PMS oversees 2 PCS or supervises as many as 4-5 census blocks. With the burden of supervision / examination of so much of course this is not an obstacle for supervisors to carry out their duties. The enumeration schedule runs from September 6-27, 2017. At the beginning of household enumeration, the supervisor performs advisory and performance evaluation to the officer. This is intended to minimize errors that occur both related to the concept of definition, how to fill out the questionnaire and the lack of probing from the officers so that errors that may occur can be avoided as early as possible. So all must be understood and used as Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) SUSENAS data collection September 2017. After the enumerator completes the household enumeration then submitted to the supervisor for examination and then to do data processing (data entry). Hopefully the implementation of Susenas September 2017 in Rembang regency can run smoothly and finish on time, and can solve the problems that occur at the time of data collection in the field which in the end can be achieved optimal results and the resulting data is more qualified. (SR) ---- Keep the Spirit and greetings PIA ----
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik
Kabupaten RembangJl. Pemuda Km. 1
Rembang - Jawa Tengah
Telp/fax. (0295) 691040
Email : bps3317@bps.go.id