In 2024 the number of poor people in Rembang Regency will be 91.45 thousand or 14.02 percent.
To get the BPS data, please come to an Integrated Services Statistics BPS Rembang, Jl. Youth KM.1 Rembang on weekdays from 08.00 till 15.30 pm.
At the moment, Rembang Regency in Figures 2024 is available and can be accessed here.
BPS of Rembang Regency Received the Award as the Best Satker 2017
April 18, 2017 | Other Activities
Year 2017 is a year of achievement for BPS Rembang Regency. At the Ratekda BPS event in Central Java from 10 to 13 April 2017, the BPS of Rembang Regency bought a myriad of achievements. The first achievement, BPS Kabupaten Rembang was named the "Best Working Unit" at the level of Central Java District / Municipality BPS. The coronation ceremony was held on the eve of the peak of Ratekda BPS Kabupaten / Kota Central Java. BPS of Kabupaten Rembang has set aside BPS Kabupaten Banyumas and BPS Kabupaten Pekalongan as the top 3 nominees.
The second achievement, Section Integration Processing and Statistical Dissemination (IPDS) won the title as "Best IPDS Section" in Central Java, defeated Section IPDS BPS Kabupaten Pati and BPS Kota Pekalongan as nominees. Not only that, the Administration Sub-Division of BPS Regency of Rembang is also the top 3 nominee as the best Sub-Division of Administration in Central Java. Although not winning but the performance of Sub-Division Administration BPS Regency of Rembang deserves thumbs up.
Proud as well as the burden on the achievements that have been achieved by BPS Rembang Regency. Proud of the performance of BPS Regency of Rembang is recognized as the best in Central Java, as the people of BPS Regency of Rembang also feel appreciated. The burden of getting the "best" label should be more disciplined and more hard work so it can be a benchmark or role model for other District / City BPS. With the award, BPS Kabupaten Rembang is motivated to perform even better. Hopefully future BPS Rembang Regency can maintain the achievement. (SI)