December 10, 2020 | BPS Activities
aking place at Harris Hotel Sentraland Semarang, the opening of the Susenas 2020 Evaluation Meeting was opened directly by the Head of Central Java Province BPS, Sentot Bangun Widoyono, Thursday (10/12). The meeting took place on 10-11 December 2020 and was attended by the Head of Sub Division of Administration, Head of IPDS, Head of Social Statistics, and Head of Distribution Statistics of District / City BPS in Central Java as well as officials within the Central Java Province BPS
On this occasion, a certificate of appreciation was presented in the implementation of statistical activities in the field of IPDS in 2020.
Alhamdulillah, again BPS Rembang won the FIRST BEST award in the category of Dissemination at the District / City level in Central Java. The award was handed over by the Head of the IPDS Division of the Central Java Province BPS, Bob Setiabudi at the opening of the Ratekda.
Apart from being a form of appreciation, this award is also expected to motivate and improve the quality of BPS Rembang Regency performance in providing statistical data services to the public. And in the midst of a pandemic like now, hopefully the Rembang Regency BPS can still provide the best service to the public and other data users. (Jq)
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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