September 7, 2017 | BPS Activities
The Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of Rembang Regency gave the awards to 42 Large and Medium Industries (IBS) companies as a form of appreciation for the cooperation between IBS companies in Rembang with BPS Kabupaten Rembang which has been established so far in providing very industrial statistical data beneficial to the government for development planning materials and determining the direction of policies of government programs.
The award should be scheduled for January 2017, given the heavy work of the BPS, so that the award is presented in conjunction with the SE2016-Advanced moment. Award submission is done directly by SE2016 officers such as KSK / Staff and Mitra Statistik.
Awarding is welcome and welcomed by the IBS company. It is hoped that the award-winning companies can continue to work together with BPS in providing industry-leading statistics that are accurate and useful for development purposes, especially for IBS companies themselves. (SR)
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