Household Registration Survey of Ubinan Subround II 2017 BPS Kabupaten Rembang - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Rembang Regency

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Household Registration Survey of Ubinan Subround II 2017 BPS Kabupaten Rembang

Household Registration Survey of Ubinan Subround II 2017 BPS Kabupaten Rembang

May 2, 2017 | BPS Activities

        Domestic enrollment activities or tile survey listings are the first stage before the implementation of the tile survey. Listing is done at the end of the month leading up to the subround period. The tile survey conducted in May s.d in August 2017 is the second subround period in 2017. And to get the sample households of the tile survey activity on schedule in the last one-third month of April 2017, the SR II 2017 tile listing activity will be conducted.

        The tile survey is one of the routine BPS activities in the production statistics section conducted in samples in order to collect data on the productivity of food crops (rice and palawija).

Household listing activities are carried out to obtain a complete list of complete and up-to-date household names and addresses that cultivate crops and obtain estimates of harvest months in the subround period. From all eligible household results of listing after the processing will be done sampling of households where later officers will make a direct measurement of food crop productivity at the time the farmer is harvesting.

         After the listing officers, all of whom were BPS partners, were given breifing on the filling list material and the listing procedure, starting from 19-26 April 2017 they started to conduct listing activities. In this tile SR II 2017 listing this time there are as many as 54 census blocks spread across 14 districts in Kabupaten Rembang which must be completed within that time period. With the total number of listing officers (PCL) as many as 21 partners and supervisors 9 people from staff, so the average task load per person between 2-3 census blocks. From the number of officers the allocation of each PML oversees between 2-3 PCLs.

         The entire census block must be completed on a predetermined schedule. Because sampling can only be done if all the census blocks within the district have been completed and processed all. So if there is an officer who is late or not on time schedule it will affect the next stage of activity, where the sampling becomes late and resulted in the allocation of the sample list of ubinanpun survey also too late. If that happens, it is possible that there will be a sample of households harvested at the beginning of May 2017 so it can be missed or unpublished tiles.

        From the results of our observation and monitoring of production sections on the performance of BPS partners who participated in these listing activities in general they have done their job well and can complete on schedule. Not many significant obstacles in the listing this time, usually they are constrained because at the time of listing there are households that can not be found when they go to the field so that the next day they have to go back to visit the household to get information about the crop farming business. In addition, other constraints are difficult for respondents to estimate when the harvest with the reasons for the influence of prices as an example for cassava plants. The falling price per kilo from cassava currently only ranges from Rp 600, - per kilo at the farmer level, especially for bitter cassava, making many farmers reluctant to harvest even though the age of the plant is ready to be harvested. But with the reason to wait for the proper price of the merchant ultimately the respondents difficulty when determining the estimated crops of cassava.

        Finally in accordance with the schedule that was previously agreed all the census blocks finished dilisting, even on 27 April 2017 all finished in processing so that the remaining time of the end of April is expected to complete sampling and preparation for the implementation of the survey of tiles SR II 2017 period of May to August both The allocation of documents and the allocation of officers become more mature and on schedule. (Vie)
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