October 31, 2017 | BPS Activities
Breezy breeze and the cool air ... .Ngubin Yuuukkk Ubinan is a survey aimed at knowing the productivity (yield per hectare) of the crop. Currently, plants that can be measured productivity through new tiles are limited to commodities of rice, corn, soybeans, cassava, peanuts and sweet potatoes. In addition to productivity figures, tiles also include other supporting data such as land types, planting methods, harvesting methods, prevention of plant pest organisms (OPT), types of intensification, types of seed variates, number of seeds, use of fertilizers and pesticides, and other qualitative information related to productivity . The production of food crops is obtained by multiplying the area of harvest with productivity. The harvested area is obtained from data collection conducted by the Dinas Pertanian (KCD) officer while the productivity is obtained from the average of the tiled output done jointly by the District Statistics Coordinator (KSK) together with the Agricultural Service Officer. The period of implementation of the tile is divided into 3 (three) subround subround 1 (January-April), subround 2 (May-August) and subround 3 (September-December). And the implementation follows the farmers harvest time. Officers will take measurements on the tile plots for the sample households. Then from each sample household, one randomly selected plot will be selected. In this selected plot, a plot of 2.5 m by 2.5 m is selected. In the plot is done tile activity. After the measurement on the selected plot then conducted interviews with respondents. Ubinan is one routine survey conducted every subround. Ubinan has its own challenges not found in other surveys. A fairly heavy tile tool consisting of scales, pegs and stainless iron rods of various sizes and locations of tiles that are sometimes difficult to reach because not every plant is cultivated on easy-to-reach land by vehicle, sometimes passing through rivers, slippery roads especially as the current conditions that have started the rainy season, which road to the location sometimes difficult to pass, simply illustrate the challenge of the survey. However, because it has become a task and responsibility, then by not relaxing the spirit, officers still complete this tile in order to produce quality data.
Tuesday, October 31, 2017, Team Ubinan BPS Regency of Rembang consisting of KSK Sluke and Staff Nerwilis conduct cassava tile activities in Sluke District precisely in Sendangmulyo village In this village there are 3 sample of cassava tile plot with weight of tile yield 11,00 kg; 11.06 kg and 15.65 kg. According to landowners, the current yield is better than the previous harvest because it can produce maximum harvest weight. Various obstacles in doing palawija business resulting in less than the maximum (not well developed) according to the respondent's recognition, the cause is lack of fertilization, pest attack of aphis, and irrigation system is not adequate. To be able to obtain maximum production, need to be supported existence of irrigation system enough enough so that can control water availability. With the existence of a good irrigation system, during the dry season farmers are not short of water and during the rainy season is not flooded. With sufficient fertilization and spraying of plant pests can be obtained results are quite satisfactory. In addition to the above constraints, another constraint faced during the tile activity is the Census Block (BS) selected as a tile sample often missed from the forecast due to weather change factors. This means that certain subrounds in the BS do not cultivate rice crops or crops. Sometimes at the time of listing farmers still cultivate these plants, but because of high rainfall or due to drought factors eventually farmers can not harvest the crops in accordance with the estimated harvest month. Factors of pests or a kind of disease that often interfere with the development of plants, it also resulted in farmers failing to harvest so that can not be done tile. Another constraint that often occurs is associated with the time of harvest that had been missed. This means that every CWC visit / seek information to check when the harvest time, here sometimes have been through the harvest and the farmer did not inform the officers and vice versa sometimes the officer forgot to ask for certainty of harvest time to farmers due to the dense work routine that must be completed by the officer as coordinator in the field. During this time officers (CWC) always coordinate and cooperate with the Department of agriculture, in this case KCD and PPL in the district and farmers affected by the sample as respondents. All the procedures of tiling even until the tool used is in accordance with Standard Operational Procedure (SOP). Hopefully the implementation of future tiles can get more accurate results and field officers can get more precise harvest time information and constraints that occur when the data collection in the field can be resolved well that can finally achieve optimal results and quality. (SR) --- STAY A FEMALE and PIA ---Tuesday, October 10, 2017, Tim Ubinan BPS Kabupaten Rembang consisting of KSK Rembang, KSK Sale and KSK Sedan conduct peanut tiling activities in Sale District precisely in Rendeng Village. Medan to get to the location of tiling in the village is very far by passing the rice field. In the village there is 1 sample of peanut tile plot with a yield weight of 0.64 kg. According to landowners, this result is less satisfactory because landowners do not fertilize at all and sufficient water sufficiency. Such as maintenance of this peanut plant can produce a weight of ubinan reach 1-1.5 kg. 2. Wednesday, October 11, 2017, still with the same Team, together doing the activity of rice (non irrigation) paddy in Sedan District precisely in Ngulahan Village. Medan to get to the location of the tile in the village is a bit difficult, besides the muddy road due to rain, the location of the paddy field is also quite far from the path with muddy galengan conditions. In Ngulahan Village, from 1 (one) plot of irrigated non-irrigated rice tiled plots obtained the result with a weight of ubinan amounted to 1.73 kg. According to the owner of paddy fields, the rice harvest results show less satisfactory results due to pest attack of aphis. It should reach 2.5 - 3 kg if there is no pest attack. Still in the same village The team also did hybrid corn tiles as much as 1 (one) plot obtained by tile yields of 3.64 kg with clumps of 24 trees. This result is also considered less satisfactory by landowners due to lack of fertilizer. With the condition of the norm (adequate fertilization) it can produce a weight of tiles of 5-6 kg. 3. Friday, October 13, 2017, Tim Ubinan BPS Kabupaten Rembang consisting of KSK Kaliori, KSK Pancur and KSK Kragan perform hybrid corn tile activities in Kragan District precisely in Sumbergayam village. Medan to go to the location of tiling in the village did not encounter significant obstacles. All passed easily and smoothly. In this village there are 3 samples of corn tile plots with average yield weight of 4.21 kg. According to the land owner, this result is less satisfactory because of lack of water sufficiency, as a result corn is not well developed so that the harvest weight is less than the maximum. 4. Monday, October 30, 2017, the team of BPS Kabupaten Rembang consisting of KSK Sluke and KSK Sulang conduct peanut and cassava tiles in Kemadu Village, Sulang Sub-district. In this village there are 4 sample plots of cassava tiles with their respective weight 5.30 kg; 8.60 kg; 7.06 kg; 7.20 kg and 1 peanut tile plot weighing 2 kg. This result is considered landowners less good because of the lack of water sufficiency and fertilization is not done.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik
Kabupaten RembangJl. Pemuda Km. 1
Rembang - Jawa Tengah
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