KSA Training: Modern Technology For Qualified Data - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Rembang Regency

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KSA Training: Modern Technology For Qualified Data

KSA Training: Modern Technology For Qualified Data

January 19, 2018 | BPS Activities

Until now, data collection of rice harvest and palawija still use conventional method by using Agricultural Statistics (SP). Where in the collection of data harvested area is still based on the eye view of data collection officer (eye estimate). With the application of these methods there are still weaknesses, including the problem of accuracy and data collection long enough.

In order to improve the improvement of the methodology of agricultural statistical data collection, the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) is working with the Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) to develop sample frameworks and reporting systems. Cooperation between BPS and BPPT in the form of "Integrated Data Collection of Integrated Food Crops with Method of Area Sampling Framework (KSA)".

The implementation of KSA has started in 2017 which is done in Java Island except DKI Jakarta Province and done again in 2018 in all area of ​​Indonesia. With KSA activities expected to collect agricultural data become more objective and modern by involving technology, so that agricultural data becomes more accurate and timely.

To support the successful implementation of KSA 2018 activities, BPS Kabupaten Rembang sent field officers to participate in training on "Integrated Collection of Integrated Food Crops Data Collection with Method of Sample Area Framework (KSA)". The training held by BPS of Central Java Province at Hotel Laras Asri Salatiga is divided into two waves. In the first wave, January 15-17, 2018, the number of participants from BPS Kabupaten Rembang as many as 13 people. As for wave two, dated 18-20 January 2018, participants also as many as 13 people.

During the training, the participants of BPS Kabupaten Rembang were merged with participants from BPS Kabupaten Jepara. This effective two-day training was guided by the Instructor from BPS of Central Java Province. Submission of the material on the first day is divided into two sessions, where the first session is filled with a general explanation by the Instructor and continued with a two-night session on KSA applications.

The second day, after breakfast, followed by preparation of KSA try out. Where by the committee has provided the mode of transportation to the location of the observation segment in the village Kauman Kidul Sidorejo District Salatiga City. After arriving at the location of the observation segment, the participants try out trying to find the coordinate point of each sub segment.

The observation segment in Kauman Kidul Village is a rice field area with irrigation channels. At the time of observation, most rice fields were planted with rice, but some were planted with horticultural crops, such as onion and chili. To get to the point of view, the participants must be careful not to damage the crops of peasants and willing to set foot into deep mud. When moving between segments, participants must cross a small river of irrigation channels in the middle of the observation segment. With full of struggle and patience all participants finally managed to make observations on the nine sub-segment points. Results from field observations are then sent data to the KSA server.

After try out, participants are invited a little relax to the tourist site "Bukit Cinta". At the tourist sites all participants enjoy lunch by looking at the beauty of Rawa Pening. Some participants seemed to perpetuate these excursions by berselfi, not least the participants from BPS Rembang District. Once satisfied to enjoy the beauty of "Bukit Cinta" on the lips Rawa Pening, participants returned to the hotel untk rest.

At night, it is time to discuss the results of try out. The discussion is done on the observed data that has been sent. Based on observation data that have been sent the participants try out there are several sub segments that there are differences in observations. This is because of the difference of the position of the sub-segment point. At the time of this discussion emerged several problems and obstacles in the field experienced by participants try out. Thus the instructor conducts a discussion with the participants to overcome these problems and constraints.

This two-day effective KSA training leaves a special memory for the participants. Participants can meet directly with participants from other areas, which is a form of keeping the rope silaturrahmi. The search for the sub-segment point, though a bit tiring but becomes noticeably light because it is done together.

With today's cutting-edge technology and KSA methodology, all expect agricultural data to be more accurate and timely. With the earnestness of all KSA officers, "Let us build Indonesia With Data". (Aryo17)
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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Kabupaten RembangJl. Pemuda Km. 1

Rembang - Jawa Tengah



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