November 5, 2018 | BPS Activities
Food security policy is a national priority as outlined in the Government Work Plan in 2018. The policy is pursued through increasing food production and priority programs for the development of agricultural facilities and infrastructure. During 2018, BPS has carried out a series of activities to support these national priorities. Among them are Ubinan Survey, 2018 Inter Census Agricultural Survey (SUTAS), Survey with Area Sample Framework (KSA), and Rice to Rice Conversion Survey (SKGB). For surveys with the KSA method, it is done by direct observation of sample segments formed from satellite images and aims to estimate the area in a relatively short period of data collection. The implementation of the Area Sample Framework Survey (KSA) has not been felt for almost a year in 2018 and in the previous year this method has also been tested in May-August 2017. Many stories of ups and downs from colleagues who are none other than collecting officers data in the field. Rain, scorching heat, mountains, rivers, forests all the officers lived vigorously. Coupled with the condition of road access which is sometimes difficult to get to the location of respondents (rice fields / gardens / moor). It all does not dampen the enthusiasm of officers in carrying out their duties and responsibilities for only one purpose, which is better, more accurate and quality agricultural data. The KSA implementation itself is carried out every 25-30 at the end of each month. The aim of KSA is to estimate the rice harvest area more accurately by collecting photos of rice plants at various planting phases, starting from the land processing phase to the post-harvest processing phase (one planting season). This method is the result of collaboration between BPS and other institutions such as the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), the Geospatial Information Agency (BIG), the Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning (ATR), and the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (LAPAN). The KSA method utilizes the latest technological developments. Namely satellite imagery, one type of big data and an Android-based cellphone, which has been installed KSA application. So that survey officers can observe the condition of the land whether it is in the condition of land preparation phase, vegetative phase, generative phase, harvest phase, puso land, paddy fields instead of rice, or non-paddy fields and photograph the results of rice growth at the coordinates agricultural data that is objective, accurate, fast and updated. After being examined by satellite, the officer will come to each point to take pictures and send plant growth through the application made by BPS and BPPT. Arrangements are also made so that officers have to take photos according to the location of the sample assignment. Later issues related to the accuracy of statistical data on rice production became one of the issues and polemics in various circles. This is because of its large role in food policy making relating to the determination of food prices. Before there was a calculation with the new KSA method, the calculation of grain and rice production data was carried out by the eye observation method of the officer as an eye estimate. In practice this method is easy to implement in the field, but still has disadvantages, namely the low accuracy and long time of data collection. Broadly speaking, the calculation stage of rice production starts from the calculation of the national rice field land area, calculation of harvested area with Area Sample Framework (KSA), calculation of land productivity per hectare, and calculation of conversion from harvested dry rice (GKP) to milled dry grain (GKG) and the conversion rate from MPD to rice. That way, the KSA method can calculate national grain production and shrinkage in the production process. Later, the harvested dry grain (GKP) of farmers will be traced to milled dry grain in the mill until it is processed into rice. So that the final result of BPS will be in the form of a rice balance. (SR)
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