February 22, 2018 | BPS Activities
Given so dense schedule of work in this February may my friends in a healthy condition, always maintain health, do not get carried away with the wave of work that overlap and must keep the spirit. May we always remain in the shade of blessing in carrying out routine tasks that are our responsibility together so that the work can be completed properly and on time.
This time BPS Kabupaten Rembang is conducting updating / updating of households National Social Economic Survey (Susenas) March 2018 on selected census blocks. So, before enumerating in March, officers must update the household load on the selected census block. This activity is scheduled to begin on 19-23 February 2018. Total selected census blocks in Rembang regency are 72 census blocks. With a total of 54 officers consisting of 40 officers as PCS and 14 officers as PMS, where each PCS worked on an average of 1-2 census blocks.
It is important to note that prior to updating the households, the officers traced the census block area to the working area first. This is intended to avoid any coverage in order to maintain and improve the quality of existing data.
This updating aims to provide an overview of the household population within a census block. Household updates are implemented with a door to door system, this is intended to ensure the accuracy of population data to be collected. In addition to updating the availability of households, officers also update the number of lives in each household, the last education of the head of household and the presence of toddlers or pregnant women in every household. These variables will become the weighing material in susenas sampling of 10 households per census block for complete enumeration.
Hopefully the implementation of updating / updating of Susenas households in March 2018 in Rembang district runs smoothly, finished on time and produces accu
rate and quality data. (SR)
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik
Kabupaten RembangJl. Pemuda Km. 1
Rembang - Jawa Tengah
Telp/fax. (0295) 691040
Email : bps3317@bps.go.id