Validasi Bersama Survei Penyusunan Disagregasi PMTB - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Rembang Regency

In 2024 the number of poor people in Rembang Regency will be 91.45 thousand or 14.02 percent.

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Validasi Bersama Survei Penyusunan Disagregasi PMTB

Validasi Bersama Survei Penyusunan Disagregasi PMTB

July 2, 2018 | BPS Activities

The PMTB Disaggregation Survey field survey will end in June. With the remaining time available, BPS / City will soon complete the enumeration in the field and check the documents that have been entered in the supervisor. The next step is data processing activities that start running in July.
Based on experience in major activities done before, where at the stage of data processing is often found errors that should have been corrected in the process of examination and editing. This happens because the examination and editing process is considered not running optimally. Therefore, to anticipate these errors and simultaneously improve the quality of the results of the Disaggregated Disaggregation Dissemination Survey, the Central Java Provincial Central Bureau of Central Java conducts an activity called Joint Validation, with the responsibility of activities is the field of Region Balance. The purpose of joint validation is to minimize the error rate in the questionnaire so that the questionnaire is clean when entering the processing stage. Validation of documents is done from documents / questionnaires that have been edited or checked by the supervisor.
The organizer of the Joint Validation activity is conducted in 6 (six) TCs in accordance with the number of ex existing residences in Central Java. One of them at TC Pati is held at Hotel New Merdeka, Pati on 28-29 June 2018 with participants come from Pati, Kudus, Jepara, Rembang, Blora (Pati residency area).
The joint validation implementation mechanism is:
- The validated document is a document that has been checked by PMS. BPS Kab required to carry documents that have been edited PMS minimum 40 documents.
- The joint validation is done by cross-checking documents between districts / cities with the same amount (minimum 40 documents), in which case 40 documents are collected for each districts, because one of the districts only has 40 documents, agreed validation is done with 40 documents. While the remaining documents that have been brought Kab / City will be checked by each District / City.
- The joint validation in each TC was attended by supervisors from BPS of Central Java Province who simultaneously guided the joint validation activities.
- In cross-check between districts, where Pati district validates documents from Blora Regency, while Blora Regency validates documents from Kabupaten Rembang. Furthermore, Rembang regency validates the documents from Jepara regency, and Jepara regency validates documents from Kudus Regency. Furthermore, Kabupaten Kudus validates the documents from Pati Regency.
- Participants of each district / city validate documents using LK (Form) Validation. If errors are found at the time of validation will be entered into the form / LK charging online, so it can be monitored / monitored by BPS Central Java Province.
- Furthermore, Supervisor from BPS of Central Java Province will perform recapituation of Joint Validation result into recapitulation sheet provided.
- All participants are fully responsible for the quality of shared validation results. Documents declared clean at the joint validation stage, it can enter the process of processing, while those that have not been declared clean will be repaired by each district / city.
Hopefully this joint validation activity is really running optimally so that document filling errors can be minimized and anticipated in order to produce qualitative results of the Survey on Disaggregated PMTB Design. (SR)
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