Data Collection of the National Labor Force Survey (SAKERNAS) in August 2018 BPS of Rembang Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Rembang Regency

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Data Collection of the National Labor Force Survey (SAKERNAS) in August 2018 BPS of Rembang Regency

Data Collection of the National Labor Force Survey (SAKERNAS) in August 2018 BPS of Rembang Regency

August 30, 2018 | BPS Activities

Entering the second semester of 2018 routine activities from the Social Statistics Section, one of which is the National Labor Force Survey (SAKERNAS). In general Sakernas activities aim to provide continuous basic employment data. In particular, aims to obtain data estimates of the working population, number of unemployed and other employment indicators.
Starting in 2016, the Sakernas questionnaire has adopted 2 (two) standard labor concepts from the 13th ICLS and the 19th ICLS, although the concept of the 19th ICLS has not been fully accommodated.
In Sakernas 2017, improvements were made to the application of the 19th ICLS concept which included refinement and addition of several questions in the questionnaire
Sakernas 2018 is conducted semi-annually. Semester I is held in February 2018 and Semester II in August 2018. In this second semester Sakernas, selected census blocks are panel census blocks (survey panel) and the annual census block itself. Panel Survey means that the sample household is the same sample household in Sakernas August 2017 and February 2018, which will later be recorded again in August 2018, which is no longer updated / updated and enumeration of sample households can be done immediately.
In Rembang District the number of August Sakernas samples was 44 census blocks. Sakernas enumeration activities were held on 8-28 February 2018. The number of officers was 30 people, 22 were field enumerators (PCS) and 10 were supervisors (PMS), where each PCS worked around 2-3 census blocks and each supervisor supervised 2 PCS people. To anticipate and minimize errors made related to understanding the concept of definition, compliance with the Procedural Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) that have been formulated and most importantly to see the quality of the data generated from this data collection, supervision is carried out. At the beginning of the implementation, the field supervisor (PMS) took to the field together with the field enumerator (PCS). This supervision is carried out to find out the extent of the quality of the enumeration carried out by the officers and to minimize the possibility of non-response and changes in the characteristics of the member house and its ART because of the nature of the survey panel and also the possibility of the lack of probing conducted by the officer during the enumeration period previous. With this supervision, it is unlikely that fraud will be carried out by the officers as well as mistakes that occur in the field or in filling in the questionnaire.
Every field activity doesn't all work perfectly. Constraints and obstacles sometimes become obstacles for officers. For this reason, these constraints must be resolved properly by continuing to coordinate with supervisors and responsible parties in their respective districts / cities. Hopefully the obstacles that arise when in the field does not make the officers constrained in completing their work. So that the implementation of Sakernas in Rembang Regency in particular and in other districts / cities can generally run smoothly, be completed on time and produce accurate and better quality employment data. (SR)

# Keep the spirit
# Successful Sakernas Data Collection August 2018 
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