January 29, 2019 | BPS Activities
One of the routine activities of the social statistics section is the National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas). In general, Sakernas activities aim to provide basic data on sustainable employment. Specifically, it aims to obtain data estimates on the number of people working, the number of unemployed and other employment indicators. Sakernas activities are carried out through stages of updating / updating households in selected census blocks and enumerating sample households. Before conducting the Sakernas updating and enumeration activities, training of officers was first held. This training is intended to equalize concepts and definitions used in the implementation of the 2019 Sakernas field, especially with the improvement and addition of several questions in the questionnaire. Starting the activity, first in 2019, BPS of Rembang Regency held training for Sakernas Semester 2019 officers from 25-28 January 2019 at Fave Hotel Rembang. The training was attended by 15 participants (PCL / PML) who came from the organic BPS of Rembang Regency by being guided by National Instructor (Innas), Khaerul Anwar, SST (Head of Social Statistics BPS, Rembang Regency). The training was officially opened by the Head of BPS of Rembang Regency, Henri Wagiyanto, S.Pt, M.Ec.Dev, MA. In his speech he explained about the sacernas activity which this year there was a change in his methodology. Besides that, he also explained other matters related to the Sakernas data and important indicators produced from the data of the Sakernas. Starting in 2016, the Sakernas questionnaire has adopted 2 (two) standard labor concepts from the 13th ICLS and the 19th ICLS, although the 19th ICLS concept has not been fully accommodated. In the 2017 Sakernas a re-improvement of the 19th ICLS concept was carried out which included the improvement and addition of several questions in the questionnaire. Sakernas 2018, a questionnaire was completed to capture the phenomenon of online-based workers and labor-intensive programs originating from village funds. And in 2019, Sakernas refined the concept of employment status adopted from ICLS 20. There are some things that are new in Sakernas in 2019. In order to improve and simplify the questionnaire, there were several questions in the questionnaire that were reduced, but there were also new questions in the questionnaire related to new employment issues. Methodology changes to panel systems with household rotation (as was done in 2011), addition of household samples, efforts to capture the 'Digital Economy' phenomenon and the addition of 'Dependent Contractor' status to the classification of employment status. The 2019 National Sakernas Implementation will be held in semester. The first semester was held in February 2019 and Semester II in August 2019. In the first semester of the National Conference, the number of sacernas census blocks in Rembang Regency increased from the previous year, from 11 census blocks to 18 census blocks, so the number of officers in the field also increased . The number of officers is 15 people (10 people as field enumerators and 5 people as field supervisors). Each enumerator has a task load of 1-2 census blocks. Whereas for field supervisors in charge of 2 field enumerators. Schedule of updating / updating households starting 30 January - 7 February 2019 and enumerating sample households from 8 - 28 February 2019. During the training, the officer received the material from the instructor. The material presented later will be a guideline for enumerators and supervisors to be applied in the field and overcome various obstacles that might occur in the field. The training system uses a two-way learning system. At the time the training was created a good atmosphere of discussion between participants and instructors. In addition to the delivery of material, to apply mastery of the material and procedures for filling out questionnaires, roleplaying was held by presenting respondents from outside. Before the Head of the Rembang Regency BPS ended his remarks, he advised all participants to take the study seriously. Many probing from respondents so that accurate and accurate employment information is obtained. It is expected that officers will be able to comply with the schedule and SOP that has been set. Questionnaire entries must be real and honest and truly reflect data in the field. The beginning of data quality was in the hands of field officers. For this reason, the quality of data is still prioritized in collecting data in the field. Keep up the spirit, intend to sincerely and sincerely work so as to produce good and maximum output / outcome. (SR)
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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