Susenas Staff Training March 2019 BPS of Rembang Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Rembang Regency

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Susenas Staff Training March 2019 BPS of Rembang Regency

Susenas Staff Training March 2019 BPS of Rembang Regency

February 8, 2019 | BPS Activities

The National Socio-Economic Survey, better known as SUSENAS, is one of the important sources of household socio-economic data in Indonesia. The data generated from this survey has been widely used by various groups both at home and abroad. Susenas besides being one of the important data sources for planning and evaluating the National Development Program, Susenas is also the main data source for the provision of indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Therefore the continuity of the data must always be maintained and the quality of the data further improved.

The data collected through this Susenas are data relating to the socio-economic conditions of the community which include health, education, fertility, family planning, housing, social protection and other socio-economic conditions.

To prepare for the implementation of Susenas in March 2019, in February 2019 the Susenas Officers Training was held in March 2019. This was a very strategic preparation in each survey or census. In this stage there is a process of knowledge transformation and the formation of skills of an officer who will be involved in the field. From this training the expected results will be able to carry out the data collection correctly and completely in accordance with the concept of the definition that has been taught and the schedule that must be obeyed.

Improvements and refinements of the March 2019 Susenas will be meaningful if supported by good and correct data collection. Therefore, the continuity, availability and quality of Susenas data must be maintained and improved.

BPS of Rembang Regency holds training for Susenas officers in March 2019 at Fave Hotel Rembang. The training is divided into 2 (two) waves. Wave I dated 31 January-3 February 2019 and Wave II dated 4-7 February 2019. Each wave was attended by 30 participants (20 PCL, 7 PML, 2 committees and 1 innas). The training was officially opened by the Head of the Rembang Regency BPS, Henri Wagiyanto, S.Pt, M.Ec.Dev, MA by being guided by the National Instructor (Innas), Khaerul Anwar, SST, Head of the Social Statistics Bureau at Rembang Regency BPS.

In his speech, the Head of BPS of Rembang Regency conveyed the importance of National Socio-Economic Survey data, including the calculation of poverty, HDI, Gini Ratio. He also emphasized the importance of maintaining the quality of Susenas data, especially during enumeration of sample households. In the Susenas in March 2019 a 212 staff was applied in which 2 days of enumeration (1 day 2 respondents), 1 day tidying up the documents and 2 days the supervisor conducting the examination. The role of supervisors and enumerators greatly determines the quality of the data produced. Supervisors hold the first control function on enumeration activities. Supervisors must provide minimum attendant assistance for the first 2 households in each census block. Officers must conduct interviews and probing more deeply to respondents to obtain accurate information or information.

In order to realize One Data, in the implementation of the Susenas in March 2019, BPS together with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia integrated the Susenas and Study of the Status of Indonesian Toddlers (SSGBI). SSGBI was carried out by officers from the financial institutions in April 2019 where SSGBI household samples used the March 2019 susenas sample households.

He also said that in the previous year Susenas had shown very good and maximum results, therefore it needed to be maintained and the quality of the data further improved. Of course this is inseparable from the cooperation of all parties, both field and processing friends. These achievements will be the motivation of the March 2019 Susenas officers to truly work optimally, further improve the quality of the Susenas data and all census activities and surveys conducted by BPS.

Before ending his remarks, he gave enthusiasm and full support to the training participants so that later the officers could work optimally, responsibly and on time. The Head of BPS of Rembang Regency expects that during the training participants can understand the concepts and definitions, apply the methodology and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) that have been given by the instructor. Build good communication with respondents, among fellow officers, both fellow enumerators and field supervisors. The clerk can solve the problems that occur in the field later by continuing to coordinate with their respective supervisors.

It was on the shoulders of the field officers that the initial quality of the Susenas data was determined. Hopefully the March 2019 Susenas implementation in Rembang Regency runs smoothly and can achieve even better results. (SR)
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