Village Potential Updating Officer (PODES) Training 2019 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Rembang Regency

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Village Potential Updating Officer (PODES) Training 2019

Village Potential Updating Officer (PODES) Training 2019

April 16, 2019 | BPS Activities

Village Potential (PODES) as the only regional database to the village / kelurahan level. The 2019 Podes can spearhead village / urban development that can be relied upon throughout Indonesia.

In order to prepare for the 2019 Updating Podes, BPS of Rembang Regency held a 2019 Updating Podes Officer Training which was held in 2 waves. The first wave was April 15, 2019 and the second wave was April 18, 2019. The training took place at the Rembang Regency BPS Hall with participants coming from the BPS statistics and Organic partners of the Rembang Regency. The training was guided by 2 (two) regional instructors (Inda) from BPS of Rembang Regency, namely Faisal Lutfi Arief, SST and Mustaghwiroh, S. Stat.

Officer training is one of the strategic preparation stages in each survey and census. In this stage the process of transformation of knowledge takes place and the formation of skills of an officer who will be involved in the field. From this training the expected results will be able to carry out the data collection correctly and completely according to the concept of the definition that has been taught and the schedule that must be obeyed.The training was opened by the Head of the BPS Rembang Regency, which in this case was represented by the Head of the Rembang Statistics Section, Khaerul Anwar, SST. In his remarks, he conveyed the importance of the 2019 Podes update activity. Simultaneously the 2019 Updating Podes will be held in June 2019 by involving BPS officials and statistical partners. Upating the Podes 2019 activity only records all the villages / kelurahan with the respondent as the Village Head / Lurah or the representative village apparatus. It is expected that respondents can give answers correctly given the importance of data that will be generated for development.

2019 Updating Podes is a National Priority Program activity because it will be used to support development goals. The benefits of Podes data in addition to completing the District In Numbers (DDA) District, Podes data are also used to calculate the Geographic Difficulties Index (IKG) and the Village Development Index (IPD). The two indicators (IKG and IPD, red) are indicators that are strong enough to know the development of the village. Podes data is also a reference for the government in the stunting alleviation program which is currently an important issue related to human quality.

There are 3 (three) differences in Podes 2018 with 2019 Updating Podes, namely 1). 2019 Podes Updating coverage is only rural / urban areas. While the 2018 Podes cover villages / sub-districts, sub-districts and districts. 2). The 2019 Podes Updating question is less than Podes 2018. 3). 2019 Updating Podes uses an Android-based Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) application. Whereas the 2018 Podes do not use the CAPI application.

Hopefully this 2019 Updating Podes will run smoothly. Officers can carry out their duties smoothly, according to the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and on time, so that the resulting data is better and quality. Therefore, let us support and succeed the Village Potential Data Update (PODES) 2019. (SR) 
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