Updating Village Development Data (Updating Podes) 2020 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Rembang Regency

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Updating Village Development Data (Updating Podes) 2020

Updating Village Development Data (Updating Podes) 2020

July 6, 2020 | BPS Activities

In planning and evaluating development, the government requires the availability of regional-based statistical data and information. In connection with that, up to now the Village Potential data (PODES) is the only territorial data with the most complete content and scope. Currently BPS is carrying out the Updating PODES 2020 activity which is nationally implemented in all administrative areas at the village level, namely villages, villages, UPT / SPT and Nagari (specifically in West Sumatra). Updating the 2020 PODES was carried out in view of the increasingly urgent need for data on village potential (spatial data) which is updated annually. At present the BPS of Rembang Regency is updating the 2020 PODES starting on June 15 until July 17, 2020. All 294 villages / kelurahan in Rembang will be recorded and spatially updated. Updated PODES data includes data on the amount and condition of infrastructure, basic services, and accessibility / transportation. In general, Updating PODES aims to produce data for regional development needs, provide data on regional potential, infrastructure availability and socioeconomic conditions in each village / kelurahan. Specifically Updating Podes aims to provide basic data for calculating the Geographical Difficulty Index (IKG), calculating the Village Development Index (IPD), providing regional planning data, providing data for DDA compilation and providing data for calculating urban / rural.
Updating Podes 2020 uses technology tools, namely CAPI (Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewed). CAPI is accessed via the Mobile / Smartphone of each Officer. Utilization of CAPI technology is needed to be able to produce data that is cheaper, faster, better and easier. Updating Podes 2020 quality is the key to successful development, especially at the village and sub-district level. It is hoped that the results of Updating PODES 2020 can provide an up-to-date picture of village / kelurahan level potentials in Rembang Regency in particular and throughout Indonesia in general. Hopefully the implementation of Updating PODES 2020 in Rembang Regency and in Selindo will run smoothly, finish on time and produce better and quality spatial data. And for the fieldworker's friends, keep the spirit, keep health and safety, still adhere to health protocols in data collection in the field. May Allah SWT always provide protection and convenience in carrying out this task. Aamiin (Jq)
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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